
I luvs to eat grass…

Cuz it’s super duper dee-licious!

Nom nom nom…

Bleh. I don’t think that one was ripe yet.

I luvs it so much, I could eat it all day long. I can even eat it…

laying down!

Sometimes mom says to me, “Mayzie, you’re acting like a cow.”

And I tell her, “Well, gosh, Mom, I can’t help it.. I mean, after all, I AM part BULL Terrier!”

Heh Heh. I'm funny!

So what abouts you? Do you like to munch on grass?


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52 responses to “Mooooooo!

  1. I love to eat grass too! Momma sometimes makes moo sounds when she sees me doing it. How rude.


  2. Bella

    Grass is the best! Sometimes I even sneak a munch of those funny coloured tall grasses that Mum plants with all her flowers. She gets very excited when I do that! I figure they are so tall because have extra vitamins so they must be especially good for me


  3. Roo

    Heh heh heh Mayzie I’ll graze with you any day đŸ˜‰

    Waggin at ya,

  4. hehehhehe..tat’s funny.. the last picture đŸ™‚

    dogs usually eat grass when they are unwell… i think. Or they just love to chew on the grass.

  5. You’re too funny, Mayzie! Enjoy eating and rolling in your beautiful grass!

  6. I’m a Husky Holstein đŸ˜‰


  7. Oh yeah, love me some grass too!

  8. Daisy

    We love grass, too. sometimes we graze.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  9. Salad Course!

    gussie n teka

  10. Freedom and Casper (aka the Greyhound Guernseys) love grass too! Sounds like you’re in good company, Mayzie.

  11. Yay our favorited day of the week….Wednesdays with Mayzie.
    Mom said your mom is probably jealous that you are able to eat while reclining…because Mom said that is the ultimate talent that all 2 leggers strive to achieve.
    Hugs to you, Ranger, my Cap’n and Abby oh and of course the humans,
    Your bfff,

  12. Very introspective Miss Mayzie!

  13. Oh sure, take some really cute pictures, have Mayzie narrate the copy, then MILK it for all it’s worth! Some may say you’re UDDERLY ridiculous, but HOLLY COW, I thought it was funny….and except fot Mayzie, that’s no bull!!… CUDS she’s the cutest and funnies!! opps! Dad is call me for breakfast, so I had better HOOF it to the kitchen. I love Dad so much! He’s the CREAM of the crop…it least to me. Well, no more STALLING, gotta go…

  14. Pip

    I have never been much into the grass thing, but give me an old banana peel and I am happy as a clam. My mom is a little sore at me this morning because I just broke into the trash and dragged out a half-eaten banana – yum!

    Your pal, Pip

  15. Mom gets upset because we tend to get sick after eating.

    -Bailey & Katy

  16. You are a funny girl! Ollie eats grass when his tummy hurts. Flash likes to eat it on occasion then throws it up within minutes. EW!!!

  17. miss mayzie!

    yeah, grasses make a grrreat on-the-go snack! have you evarrr tried them with some cheeses? you can have a grass ‘n cheese sammie! teeheehee. btw, i think my big sis asa is part cow cuz she’s got all those spots on her furs!

    the booker man

  18. Careful! Soon you will grow horns, BOL!

  19. Oh, yeah, we have several cows in our family. Moooooo…

    The Road Dogs

  20. Yup, we sure do Mayzie. Grass is the best. We do it all the time and I thinks it is good for us.What do you thinks?? But the donkeys and goats love the grass more than we do. So maybe you are part donkey but your ears are not long enough. Have yourself a really fun day and we will see you next week. Take care.

  21. Mayzie, Bambi use to like to eat grass to sometimes, but not as much as you do!! You go girl!!
    xx, Fern

  22. Oh yes, we all like our greens here too. We will have to try it lying down too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  23. MAN!! You are talented to eat it laying down!! I only eat grass when my tummy is upset, otherwise, I pass on grass!! BOL Now…addy will eat the grass, the bark, the sticks, the roses, the leaves, fabric, she has a steel stomach!! BOL

    Jazzi and Addy
    Jazzi and Addy

  24. Benny & Lily

    Are you sure you aren’t part cow? That’s what mom calls us when we graze
    Benny & Lily

  25. I love to eat grass too!!

    Pauley James

  26. littlemissjackie

    BOL, Miss Mayzie! I sometimes eat grasses, but Dillon is the moocow at our house! He likes to munch on the long grasses in the corners of our yard. I like those photos of you eating grasses!

    Barks & Wiggles,


  27. You ARE funny Mayzie! I don’t eat grass unless I have a tummy ache.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  28. We both love eating grass too, Mayzie! Hey, if we eat enough of it, maybe our dads won’t have to mow the lawn anymore, huh?!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  29. Stumpy loves to graze…when she gets a chance. I think it comes from the cattle dog in her.

    Happy, Waggin’ Tails, FUREVER!
    Stumpy and me

  30. I’m so glad it’s not just me! I LOVE GRASS!

  31. KittyplusCoco

    Oh yes, certainly. I particularly like weeds. It tickles my gums and feels good. Kitty won’t TOUCH grass though. She is a picky pickerson.

    Kitty and Coco

  32. Shady

    I love to eat grass too. I think it is rude when my Mom sees me do it and says Moooooooooo.

  33. Mayzie,
    Now I know we is related cuz I likes to eat grass too. Mom thinks it’s cuz I don’t feel good but I eats it cuz it is tasty!
    Happy Wednesday cuzin! đŸ˜‰

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  34. Woof! Woof! YES I kind a do the same thing … Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  35. Who needs a lawn mower…just let the dogs out đŸ™‚ That grass looks nice and green I hope Mom doesn’t notice the slobber on her computer screen đŸ˜‰

  36. Teddy Bear & Sierra

    We aren’t too big on grass but we love to lay in it.:)

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  37. Sarge

    Hey Mayzie!
    Wow, cute pix! A nice, cool summer salad is perfect this time of year! Good for you too. I don’t blame you a bit.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  38. Ina

    Oh my gosh if Halle came to visit she & Mayzie could have a grass eating competition! Halle loves grass too!!! Hope It’s good for them!

  39. our chick is a grass-eating machine, and he teaches all our other fosters, too. he shows them which the tastiest varieties are, what the optimumest height is for picking, and how to tell if they’re ripe or not. he also teaches them how to find the stinky stuff hiding in tall tufts, which is the best for rolling around in!

  40. has you ever accidently eaten grasses you have peed on… yuck…

    woof – Tucker

  41. Hahaha oh Mayzie! I can’t imagine grass tasting very good, but you look like a big fan!

  42. Sam

    Monty adores grass too!


  43. Jed & Abby in MerryLand

    Yep, we’re both confirmed grazers, too. We also jump up and eat leaves from our mulberry tree from time to time. And we love the mulberry fruits when they ripen and fall to the ground – we chase the birds off so we can have the fruit.

    Jed & Abby

  44. Our Rusty loves to run outside with us dogs and he likes to graze. We eat some occasionally but Rusty’s a regular moo cow.

    Buddy, Merci & Sam

  45. hello mayzie its dennis the vizsla dog hay mmmm salad yum!!! thank yoo for stopping by and leeving a note for trouble the kitty appreesheyayt the nice thawts frum all owr blog frends eeven tho we hav not ben arownd mutch laytly!!! ok bye

  46. MoooOOOoOOoOOo! I’m into the grass eating thing as well and my person says the same to me as yours to you: you are not a cow… Do I say “you are not an Orang-utan – stop eating bananas”?! SIGH! đŸ™‚

    Slobbers Teal’c

  47. Oh Lord, that’s a funny one…. Me? Yes. I eat whatever’s in, on or under the grass. Including the grass itself. Yum.

    Aroooooo! Stuart

  48. AC

    Woah, Mayzie! This is crazy. You eat grass, so that makes you a cow. Kona eats grass and that makes her a goat (at least I try to tell her she isn’t a goat but she eats anyway). I wonder if grass in different parts of the country just does that. I mean, turns dogs into cows in some parts, turns them into goats in other parts…strange.

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