Smudge’s Gotcha Day

Hi everyone! It’s me…Smudge. Smudgemeister. Smudge-a-roo. The Smudge Man.


Did you like those? Those are all nicknames mom and dad have given me since I came to live here one year ago today!

Hey, Smudge! Smudge!

Uh, yes, Mayzie?

You left out my favoritest name that mom calls you: Smudge Pants!

Oh, haha. Yeah, um, so I wasn’t going to tell them that one.

Why not?

Well, it’s a little embarrassing, you know.

Oh, gosh, I think Smudgie Wudgems is WAY worse.

Okay, wow…thanks for helping me out, Mayzie.

Anytime, Smudge Pants.

Anyway, as I was saying, it’s been one whole year since I left my old job at HemoSolutions and moved in with my new family. And, well, I just couldn’t be happier.

Oh, sure…there have been some bumps along the way. And by bumps, I mean REAL bumps! Remember when I had chin acne?



Which meant I had to go visit my nice skin doctor lady about 87 million times. (But that was really okay cuz she gives the BEST massages.)


And then I broke out in hives from some of the medicines.



And oh, yeah…I also found out I have ass-muh and they shaved me half-bald to do that skin test on me to see what I’m allergic to.

side 3

But honest…the good has outweighed all of that stuff by a LOT!

I have pawsome siblings to hang out with.



Even Queen Abby is starting to warm up to me.


I have fun toys to play with…


and cuddle with.


I’ve learned how to use the computer to help dad play his games…


and to watch movies…

smudge movie

and to blog…

Smudge Computer

and to just generally surf the web. (Pinterest is addicting!)


I have a great window to look out of…


and my very own tent…


and the Smudge-tastic-mobile.

stroller 1

And best of all, I know that I’m loved to the ends of the earth and back. (That’s what my mom says, and between you and me, that’s why I let her call me Smudge Pants whenever she wants.)

Yep, adopting my family was a pretty good decision on my part.

So Happy Gotcha Day to…







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23 responses to “Smudge’s Gotcha Day

  1. Happy Gotcha Day Smudge-a-roo. You sure pick a great family to be a part of.

  2. Daisy

    What a VERY busy year! You chose the bestest family, Smudge Pants…BOL! Happy Gotcha Day!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Oh Smudge, I remember that day when you picked that great family of yours. You are such a lucky Smudge pants to have found such a great family. Love your tent. So a very Happy Gotcha day to you.Take care.

  4. A very happy Gotcha Day to you, Smudge! And to your family! By the way, we’re totally addicted to Pinterest in our house, too! 🙂

  5. Happy Gotcha-Day, have fun and a funny party! I like your nicknames… Smudgemeister hehehe

  6. Happy Gotcha Day Smudge!

  7. Oh Mr Smudge! Me and Gussie don’t think we like cats much, but I think wecould learn to love you


  8. cafall

    Happy Gotcha Day, Smudge!


  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Smudge! I can’t believe it’s been a year. Enjoy your day. I hope there are some treats involved.

  10. Gail Pelican

    Happy Gotcha Day, Smudge!

  11. You picked a good family, Smudge! Happy Gotcha Day!!

    Love your Smudge Tent!

  12. harrispen

    Happy Gotcha Day Smudge! You sure are a lucky cat to have landed with Mayzie and the rest of your family.


  13. fernerose

    Smudge happy Gotcha Day!!!! You are a lucky lady cat!!!

  14. Happy First Gotcha Day, Smudge! We love how well Mayzie helped you out with all those endearing names. We are sorry for the rough road for part of your year, but we also think you are in the very best place to live to help you smooth things out.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  15. Happy Gotcha Day, Smudge! We hope you are having the bestest day ever!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Happy, Happy Gotcha Day Smudgemeister!!! You sure are a lucky kitteh! You sure did pick a good pack to join!

  17. Wow, a whole year already?! Where did the time go. That’s like 7 years for you and me!!! No wonder it seemed like such a long time ago. BOL!

  18. Happy Gotcha Day Smudge!!!! You have a great family and you deserve it. I am glad we are pals.

    Loveys Sasha

  19. Grayshus Mr. Smudge, I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Thanks for sharing your speshul Gotcha Day with us, and a Happy Happy Day to you! (And Smudge Pants is a super nickname, and better than my “pants” name, Little Miss Grumpy Pants!)

  20. Happy Gotcha Day

    Stop on by for a visit

  21. Happy Gotcha Day! We love reading about your hijinks, and you are quite photogenic!

  22. Oh Smudge Pants… I am so glad you chose to adopt your family too! You are quite handsome for sure!

  23. Happy Gotcha Day!

    Your are really living the good life. I’m glad you have a loving family.

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