Wordless Wednesday: Who Looks Happier?

Grampa J and Cuzin Zero


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37 responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Who Looks Happier?

  1. Both sure looks very happy and comfy 🙂 Very sweet picture!

  2. Both of them looks equally happy! Very cute peekture hehe.


  3. Teddy Bear

    What a cutie! Welcome back, Mayzie. We’ve missed you!

    Teddy Bear

  4. Daisy

    We think it’s a tie! The perfect way to nap.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. Miss Mayzie! I am, indeed, happy to see you again. The wedding looks like tons of fun for the humans, especially that awesome cake. Wow! But what a shame that you were not invited. Boo hoo. As for that little Zero doggie, looks mighty content for sure.


  6. I can’t decide! Grampa! No wait, Zero! Or maybe it is Grampa? Hmmm, guess they’re both pretty darned happy then…

  7. I’d say it was a tie!!!!

  8. Oh my stars they are equally as happy looking.
    After seeing that picture I know why they say holding and petting a pet can lower one’s blood pressure,
    Happy Wednesday Mayzie,
    Hugs Madi

  9. Pip

    A definite happiness tie!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Oh my that is such a happy picture. They both look very comfy. What a cute puppy. Take care and have a fun day Mayzie and Mom and all the rest of the gang.

  11. Awww what a sweet picture.

  12. They are both so happy, we just can’t decide! And, we’re SO happy that you’re back! We’ve missed you !!

    Slobbery kisses!

  13. Everyone looks happy in that picture!
    Happy, Waggin’ Tails, FUREVER!
    Stumpy and me

  14. That is a happy sweet picture.


  15. The OP Pack

    Awww, how sweet is that!!! Looks like they are suited perfectly for each other.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  16. What a wonderfully happy picture!

  17. I thinks it is a tie!! They both look really really Happy!! what a sweet picture!!

    Jazzi and Addy

  18. Awww…..

    Happy wags,

  19. Frankie Furter

    Awwwwww how cute!!!

  20. Is Zero named after the candy bar, Mayzie? It is a very sweet picture!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  21. That’s a priceless bum cuddle!

  22. Impossible to pick one over the other!

  23. I think it’s a tie! They even have matching smiles!


  24. Cusin Zero is so tiny…is that why he’s named zero?

  25. Lorenza

    Not easy to say!
    Adorable picture!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Kisses and hugs

  26. Roo

    That looks like the ultimate contented moment 😀

    Waggin at ya,

  27. Ooo sleepy naps are good!

  28. Omigosh! That’s the sweetest picture 🙂

    The Road Dogs

  29. hmmm…that’s a hard question to answer cuz grampa j and cuzin zero both look totally happy ‘n full of the contentments to be snugglin’ like that. i guess it’s a TIE! heehee. 🙂

    the booker man

  30. Looks like total contentment and love fow bof of them
    smoochie kisses

  31. Jed & Abby in MerryLand USA

    It’s a draw!

    Jed & Abby

  32. Oh my paws what a tough one, we coulds not decide , we fink they both looks blissed out as Da Momster puts it. Sure is a most touching photy tho Mayzie we luvs it. Fank Yu fer sharin it wivs us.

    xx xx

  33. Can I just say it? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!


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