Sending you my luv!

Hi, everybuddy! I’ve got one very impawtant thing to say to you today!

I think of every single one of you as my Valentines. But, as you know, arounds our house there are two extra, extra special Valentines for me and Brudder Cap’n Ripley.

So, with the very kind help of Richie and Ronnii and their Most Talented mum, we’d like to… uh, what, Cap’n Ripley? Oh, okay. Cap’n Ripley wants to say something.

Yo Ho! Tis I! The Dread Pirate Ripley Cat, sendin’ me darlin’ Madi a Valentine straight from me harrrrrrt. I have also writ this poem just for me lovely maid.

Oh, fairest Madi from North Caroline.
I dast dare hope that ye’ll be mine.
Ye alone do make me heart set sail
And shiver me timbers right down to me tail.


Siiiiiigh. Isn’t that just abouts the sweetest thing you ever read?

Okay, um, sweet, dear boyfurend Booker. I don’t have a poem for you but I hope you like your Valentine’s Day card and I’m sending you warm brindle snuggles and gooey wet nose kisses all the way from Collie-rado! (blush)


I hopes every each and every one of you has a Most Special day. And be sure and gives your humans extra licks and head bumps today and let ’em know just how much you luvs ’em!


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51 responses to “Sending you my luv!

  1. Teddy Bear

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Brudder Ranger, Mayzie!:)

    Teddy Bear

  2. Happy Valentines Day to you Mayzie!!

    Dommy + Piper

  3. Happy V-day buddy! What an adorable pic we have here:)

  4. Aww, that’s so cute and sweet, Mayzie.
    Happy Valentine’s Day to efurryone in your furmaily!

    Loving Valentine Woofs,

  5. Happy Valentine’s day sweet Mayzie.


  6. Kristine

    Too too sweet. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  7. oh, my sweet ‘n lovely miss mayzie!

    thankies so very much for my v-day card! happy valentine’s day to you, my brindle vision of lovins! teehee! i’m sendin’ you lots of cuddles ‘n gooey nose kisses back your way! 🙂

    the booker man

  8. Sugar

    Woof! Woof! Happy Valentine’s Day. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

  9. Happy Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  10. Happy Valentine’s Day to you Mayzie, Abby and Ranger……..and for my Cap’n Ripley…..wait I feel faint…ok I’m better. Your handsome faces makes my lady kitty heart skip 10 beats and your poem made my eyes leak!!! I’m proud to be your Maiden Fair and I thank you for the lovely card!! Happy Valentine’s Day to you my sweet,
    Yours for now and always,

  11. Pip

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Lovely cards – Cap’n Riley has it bad for Madi!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Oh my that is the nicest poem, Capn Ripley. That lucky Madi. Mayzie that is one very nice card to Booker. Lots of valentines going on at your house. Hope you have a wonderful Valentines day all of you. Brudder Ranger and Mom too.

  13. Happy Hearts Day, my furrend!!!!

    Those are beautiful cards! …….and I was unawares of Capn Rippley’s affection for da Diva Madi!! She IS a beauty!!!

  14. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mayzie and all of you at your house, from all of us.

  15. Wyatt

    Happy Valentines Day!! That Booker is one lucky pup!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  16. What beautiful cards and lovely sentiments.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.

  17. Teka sends Valentine Greeting to Brudder Ranger and wants to know how come he got left out!

  18. Happy Valentines Day to you and your whole family. Madi sure is one lucky girl and Booker, one handsome dude!! Have a great day and I am glad that I am your friend!!


  19. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all from Alaska! xoxo

  20. Frankie Furter

    LOVE the cards that Ronnii and Richie & their mom made.

  21. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and everyone in your family, Mayzie!

  22. Happy Valentine’s Day Mayzie and Brudder Ranger! *Hugs* from Gus!

  23. Happy Valentine’s Day – Mayziegal – from all of us here in South Africa!
    Sending lotsaluv

  24. Oh so much love goin’ around today…kinda makes me wanna hurl….hehehe!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to my BFF and hers wonderful family.
    Love da cards Momma T and da gang made.


  25. So very sweet! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  26. Happy Valentine’s Day sweet Mayzie!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  27. Happy Valentine’s day, Mayzie and Brudder Ranger!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  28. The OP Pack

    Such very special and beautiful cards for your special pals. We bet Booker and Madi were very touched.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you from all of us.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  29. We hope you have a furry good Valentine’s Day!
    Rudy’s Raiser

    P.S. We are doing a Valentine’s Giveaway; over at our blog… we’d love for you to enter!

  30. Such a sweet post for today! Have a wonderful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!

  31. Roo

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! 😀

    Waggin at ya,

  32. Daisy

    We love you guys too (well we tolerate Cap’n Ripley, him being a cat and all) Happy Valentine’s Day

    XXXOOo Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  33. Oh Miss Mayzie – sigh!!! – we admit to being just a teensy tiny bit jealous of Booker, but we know how good he treats you so we suppose we don’t really mind…. He’s such a lucky dude!!

    And wow – has Capt’n Ripley got it bad or what?! But then that Madi is just as sweet and cute as can be.

    Ahh, we do love a good love story! Schnauzer snuggles – JD & Max

  34. Maziegal
    I missed you this weekend
    thank you fow youw Valentine wishes..I’m quite suwe that youw special Valentines wont be able to wesist those gowgeouscawds and poems
    I hope you and all youw family have a love filled day
    smoochie kisses

  35. Those are some beautiful Valentine’s! Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet Mayzie!

  36. Shady

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too Mayzie!

  37. Happy Valentine’s Day!


  38. Happy V-Day to your entire household. We had a lovely sunny day and went out to splash in some puddles!

  39. I think you and Ripley both have fantastic valentines, Mayzie! Ripley’s poem made Mom and me both start laughing like crazy until she had a coughing fit and I had to thump her on the back with my tail.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!


  40. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

  41. KB

    Aw, I love your card to Booker. What a lucky dog to have you as his girlfriend.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  42. Lorenza

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!
    Kisses and hugs

  43. What great Valentines!

    Happy Valentines Day friends,

  44. Happy HEARTS Day!


  45. Sam

    Hope you had a happy Valentine’s, Mayzie, with lots of slobbers and treats from your humans. 🙂

  46. I’m full of the lateness (as usual) but I was sending you cosmic Happy Hearts Day wishes from my most magical brain! I sure hope you and brudder Ranger and Capt’n Ripley and sisfur Abby and your mom and your dad all felt my powerful cosmic ray!!

    Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

  47. Happy Hearts Day!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  48. littlemissjackie

    Happy Belated Valentine’s Day, Miss Mayzie and family! We hope you all got lots of super snugglies like we did!

    Luvs and smoochy-faces,

    Jackie, Dillon, and family

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