Saturday Smiley: Loois and His Owner

I wish all doggies could be luved this much!

If you can’t see the movie, click here.

PeeS. Have you heard? Animal Planet will donate green papers to Villalobos Rescue Center for every pawson who watches Pit Bulls and Parolees tonight! So tune in or sets your DVR. It’s gotta be the easiest way EVER to helps a good cause!


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35 responses to “Saturday Smiley: Loois and His Owner

  1. Oh, I’m so glad Loois found such a great home, and is so dearly loved!

    I’ll have to check the timing the show airs in Singapore!


  2. Teddy Bear

    What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing that with us.:)

  3. You have the most astounding knack for finding terrific stories! By the [total lack of] power vested in us, we dub you the conscience of blogville. What a lucky Loois, to have a wonderful dad and a resident therapist. And what a lucky man, to both love & appreciate Loois.

    We are divided about tonight’s game. Which, living in the East, we won’t get to see! Some bonehead at ABC decided we were not worthy of seeing the game that will determine the Big 12 South championship, so ABC here will be airing a crappy game between Notre Dame & Who Cares CA, which we will NOT be watching. We are royally pi**ed!

    Jed the Boomer Sooner &
    Abby the Cowboy [well Cowgirl]

    • WHAT? You don’t gets the game? That is just super awful! I feel very sad for you. My auntie watched one online (for free) one time cuz she didn’t gets it where she lives. I’ll see if I can find it for you. I sure hopes we win tonight but momma doesn’t feel real pawsitive about it.

      Wiggles & Wags,

      PeeS. Can you BELIEVE that Boise State team LOST last night?

      • MUCH later. Wahoo & yippee! Dallas, here we come! That was one exciting game. We’re a mixed household: Jed is a Boomer Sooner and Abby is a Cowboy [well, Cowgirl], so it was a fraught evening. But Abby is firmly rooting for the Sooners against the Cornhuskers.

        ABC slipped up and let their affiliate in Baltimore air the OU-OSU game, so we got to see the whole thing! Add that to our “things we are thankful for” list. [The Washington D.C. affiliate showed the “who cares” game.]

        Have you been to Otis’ blog yet to crow?

        Jed & Abby

  4. That was such a good video. We had seen it before but we could watch it ten times, it is so good. What a lucky dog Loois is to have such a wonderful person. We don’t get the Animal Planet Channel so we can’t watch it.
    Hope you have a really fun day Mayzie

  5. Loois is one special pooch!

  6. Mayzie,

    What an amazing story. 🙂 Happy Saturday my furiend.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  7. Oh My goodness that gentleman (ture meaning of the word) 100% gets what it means to own a pet. they are yours love and cherish and care for no matter what!!!
    Hugs Madi

  8. K-9 Katastrophie

    Thanks for sharing this video. It made mommy cry for joy. I am so happy that the sweet Pibble has such a wonderful owner.


  9. Pip

    Mayzie, you always know the most amazing doggies. Loois is INCREDIBLE! Thanks for sharing his story.

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: Be sure to check out my blog today!

  10. What a sweet video! I’m so glad those two have each other!

    We don’t get that channel, or we’d tune in for sure!


  11. Oh MAyzie
    What a great story!! He has one terrific owner and yes, he is very loved!! It is nice to be loved like that!!


  12. What a great story!

    We don’t get “Animal Planet” in dirtville 😦

  13. Roo

    Awww what a great story! Good ol’ Loois and his Dad 🙂 Yay!

    Thanks for sharin,

  14. OMG I got all choked up with the heartfelt kindness and devotion to this beautiful dog….I would want this man on my team any day!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE….. xoxo

  15. That was a wonderful story of mutual devotion. It’s so good to see stories like that. There are so many sad ones. We’ll set the DVR for the Pitbull show. Blog Mom will be out all afternoon and evening so we can’t watch at the time it’s on unless Daddy remembers. He’s just the best Daddy, but a terrible rememberer lately.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  16. tank

    Loved this story! Thanks Mayzie:)

  17. We’ve seen that video before but it’s well worth watching again and mom will wipe away tears once again!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. What a team they make!

    Thanks fur sharing it fur those that hadn’t seen it AND fur those that khan’t watch it enough!


  19. You find the very bestest videos!

    We will watch that show for sure.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  20. Kristine

    Awww, thanks for sharing that. I love seeing such wonderful relationships between dogs and their humans. It gives me warm fuzzies on a cold Saturday night.

  21. Daisy

    That’s a wonderful story. Glad they found each other. They look like a perfect fit. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

    Brightened our day and it’s cold, and rainy here.

    BTW We’ve started well in the Ashes. (Cricket: Aus vs England)

  22. That is so nice of them and wish we had Animal Planet to watch the show. 😦

  23. Mom was just telling someone earlier today that she thinks dogs come humans’ lives in order to teach them impawtant lessons. What a great story that was! Thanks for sharing!

    Brutus & Carmen

  24. Another great homecoming story!!!


  25. Lorenza

    Hi, Mayzie!
    I had watched the video before and I could watch it again and again.
    Loois and his owner sure have a very special relationship.
    Happy sunday
    Kisses and hugs

  26. daisydog

    That was a great story. I loved the fact that they love each other so much. They are both very lucky to have each other. Thank you for sharing that!!

  27. That guy sure is fit. Wow! He makes his dad exercise too. I am so happy to see the two of them.


  28. HI Mayzie! Thanks for sharing the video with us! We didn’t get the audio (mom couldn’t turn it up because she is sneaking on at work with her laptop from home – bad mom!) but even without it we could tell how much Loois is loved by his owner!! We miss visiting you since mom isn’t supposed to be visiting from work anymore (although she is today – so bad!) and we hope that everything is going good with you!!

  29. Hi Mayzie! I gave you an award on my bloggy!!

  30. WHoa! Loois is really pawesome and he has that ape trained so well. I asked my ma ape to carry me around like that but she says I can walk and “she’d like to have a working back.” Whatever. Go Loois!

    We are most excited for the Sooner/Hoosker showdown. I’m puttin’ on my HUSKER RED for the big game! Watch the Sooners go Boom! BOL!


    Ps. We should tail-gate together!

  31. miss mayzie,

    loois and his daddy are totally awesome! me and asa and mama are full of the thankies that they found each other. grrreat story — we are smilin’ ear to ear! 😀
    we hope you had a super duper wonderific thanksgiving!

    the booker man

  32. Ruby is an honorary Maximus Spittimus Centurion – as of now.

    Maximus has spokens.

    Four Dinners
    Aide de Camp
    Maximus Spittimus

    ps…Ruby is also the first Dog Centurion!!!!

  33. littlemissjackie

    Oh Miss Mayzie, what a super neat video! It made my mom all watery, and Dillon and I almost got watery too to see so much luvs!

    Barks & Wiggles,


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