Blog Rewind: Amazing Awesomeness

Hello everbuddy! Firstly, I hopes you had the Best Weekend That Ever Was! Ours was super duper terrific!

Secondly, my mom wanted me to say thank you, thank you for all the nice, sweet, thoughtful and heartfelt comments you left for her postie yesterday. They meant the whole wide world to both her and me. And it just showed me all over again that I really have the bestest furends in the universe! Oh! And please forgives us if we didn’t make it around to your bloggie yesterday. Our day was full to the brim and we didn’t gets too much ‘puter time. But we double paw promise that we’ll come around and visit today.

Lastly, guess what? This is my 91st post! Which means in 9 days, it’ll be my 100th post! Gosh! 100 posties. That’s almost a million! So off and on for the next 9 days, I’m gonna re-post some of my real early posties that you mighta missed cuz, well, you didn’t know me then and all. And, well, they’re kinda sorta brilliant and I would hate for you to go through your whole life and not know about ’em, you know?

So, okay, here’s my very second post. And I think it’s one we can all relate to. Have a Most Happy Monday, ‘kay?


So today I would like to tell you about something that is AMAZINGLY AWESOME.

When I was growing up, I had to sleep on the ground. Can you believe it? The dirty, hard, cold ground. But when my Angel Donna rescued me, she gave me my very own crate to sleep in – inside the house! Well, now, I thought this was AMAZINGLY AWESOME. Gosh, it was so warm and dry and really soft inside, and I felt all cozy and safe curled up in it.

Then, when I came to live with mom and dad, they had a crate all fixed up for me that was just like my old crate and I loved it SO much because it was AMAZINGLY AWESOME.

Mayzie in her crate

But while they were showing me around the house, they took me into their room and I saw…


Now here’s the thing. If you don’t have one, you gotta run right out this very second and get one of your own. Because I’m telling you…it is AMAZINGLY AWESOME.

Like I said before, I was scared of lots of things when I first moved in. But I was never, ever scared of the bed. Oh no. As soon as I hopped up on it and laid down, I murmured under my breath, “Oh where, oh where have you been all my life?”

It’s ever so cushy, making it easy to streeeeeetch out really far and take up way more than your fair share get way comfortable. Or you can cuddle up with someone you love. Or snuggle down into the pillows when you just want to get away from it all.

Mayzie behind pillows

It’s also the best place to chew bones or spy on look out for the neighbors, which Ranger and I are both really good at.

Mayzie and Ranger spying on the neighbors

The only drawback is that sometimes when you’re all cozy and sleepin’ good, your mom will think you’re so cute that she’ll want to take your picture – thereby disturbing your beauty sleep.

Mayzie Sleeping 1

Mayzie Sleeping 2

But trust me, it’s a small price to pay for something so AMAZINGLY AWESOME.

Mayzie Sleeping 3


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26 responses to “Blog Rewind: Amazing Awesomeness

  1. Oh, Mayzie, that just shows you were really meant for the finer things in life. It was so perceptive of you to see that the bed was not something to be scared of, even though you hadn’t encountered one before. I’m so glad that you found your true life with your humans and their bed.

    wags, Lola

  2. Hi Mayzie….do you know that you are more precious each day!!!
    WE look forward to reading some of your earlier blogs….
    Thanks for the big smile you put on our faces today,
    Madi and Mom

  3. Oh yeah! A bed for every doggie and at least one hooman to share it with!


  4. Frankie Furter

    Wowie Mayzie you are almost to the 100 point. That is sooooo grrreat.
    You started out as a good blogger and now you are a grrrrreat one. I really like how you went from crate sleeping to bed sleeping in a FLASH!!! It too me TWO whole nights to make it from crate to Great!! My mom is kind of slow to learn thingys.
    I am sooooo very much glad that you and I have met. You make me laugh a lot. Thanks.
    Soooo are you planning a big pawty for your 100th. post???

  5. The bed is the best!
    Toby was never allowed on it though 😦 Guide dog rules.

    But he did love his crate!

  6. Hey there Mayziegal!
    These milestones are awesome! You will always be rememberred as a friend I met during my 100 days of grace! I will be looking forward to your 100th post…I am sure by that stage you would have organised that bed for yourself. Im not sure where the humans will sleep, but that is their problem!
    Sending lotsalicks to you.

  7. Shady

    “This is my 91st post! Which means in 9 days, it’ll be my 100th post! Gosh! 100 posties. That’s almost a million!” Hee hee hee…


  8. Miss Mayzie,

    Since we have just becomes furiends it is so nice of you to start re-posting some of your earlier posties for me and mom to read. That way we can get to know you even better! Today’s was pawsome! We can’ts wait for some more of the “oldies but goodies” !

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  9. Now I just get why I am still in a crate. Mum says sumptin bout me roaming and peeing during da nite…it don’t bother me none.
    You sooooo think like me bout “watching” out fur da neighbors…hehehe! I bout wet all overs myself when I read that.
    Mayzie and mom, we are so thankful that we found your bloggie. It has been such an honor getting to know ya’ll.
    I’m just curious as to where your silver platter is too.

  10. Christina


    Both you and your momma shine brighter than the sun!! We lubbing you both so much and feel so close to woo guys, like we have been furends forever!!

    I’m so glad that you are finally living the life that all pups should live! Woo are so lucky.

    Don’t ever forgets how many peoples lubbing woo Mayzie – Especially, ME, don’t ever forgets about ME!!

    Wags and Woofs,
    Mack and Mia

  11. Just read your Sunday post. AWESOME!! and so true. Same applies to people too. It made me think of my late miniature poodle, Porter. I adopted Porter when he was 11 years old. His mommy had crossed the Bridge alone (cancer) and he had nowhere to go. Her relatives were scattered across the globe and the ones in Anchorage were unable to take him in. The sad part about Porter when his mom died was that the relatives told her they would take him when she crossed. He ended up at Friends of Pets AND he had a heart condition. Long story short, we got him, even though his vet said Porter would not live long due to his heart condition. It was controlled with meddies. He was the best dog ever, so loving and had the connection with me that Mayzie shares with you. I swear he could even talk! Well, he made it to almost age 17 and I swear to this day he lived so long because he loved me (and I him) so much… I still miss him today but I know his mom was probably pretty glad to get him back. He was so awesome! xoxoxo

  12. hello mayzie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yoo shoor luk kyoot in yore pillow fort on the bed!!! beds are the bestest all rite!!! ok bye

  13. Me loves me a good bed! Hopped in with mom and dad this morning. We do know that you have your mama wrapped around your little finger. But the only reason we know is cuz we have ours wrapped too!


    Mr. Nubbin’

  14. Hi Mayzie – awww…that was a lovely flashback post – especially as I have only just got to know you…you are really lucky to have found such a wonderful forever home.

    Honey the Great Dane

  15. Daisy Kendra & Bella

    We’re looking forward to catching some of your earlier posts….though we did look up your first ones. Alpha came late to the crate thing (yes, there is a God). Bella was the only one to arrive with a crate. She abandoned that after two nights. We can’t get up on the bed unassisted, so when we get the chance, we spread out. Do you do the ‘bottom-in-the-human’s-face’ pose? My favourite. But we’re allowed on the other furniture.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  16. We are feeling so warm and happy for you, Mayzie! You and your mom were meant to be together forever!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  17. That is one awesome bed! I love our bed, too. There’s nothing better! I took to our bed right away, too!


  18. You are one lucky girl, Mayzie. Not only do you have a fantastic home, but you have a BED!!! We have our small dogbeds and we do get to snooze on the sofas when the humans are busy doing something else, but they don’t let us on the big beds. Once in a great while, we do sneak up there but it never lasts very long.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  19. Goodness… We are SOOOO HAPPY that you were saved from that life of cold, hardness, are now so loved and happy! You are such a wonderful, sweet friend and we are just THRILLED for you! We are also so thankful for Twinkie’s GABE for giving us the chance to get to know you! Loving wiggles from Corgi Country!

  20. What a pawesome rewind!

    Mom knows that her Sunday passengers are experiencing those furry same wonders too!

    Being safe and warm SOOOOOO ROKHKS!


  21. miss mayzie!
    happy almost 100 posts on your bloggie!! i’m glad you are going back to the archive thingie to pull out your beginning posts so we can all read about you before we knew you. hmmm, i think i just confused myself there…
    anywho, yup, comfy cozy hooman beds totally rock!! i looove all the pictures of you snugglin’ under the covers and tuckered out!! you are the cutest lady evarrr!!! 🙂
    the booker man

  22. It’s great to learn more about you Mayzie! We are behind on blog-reading and had to go back and check out your other posts. Mom said that HTTYD was the best movie she’d ever seen. I assumed it was because the dragon reminded her of me so much, but now I see that it was also about the movie’s message. Congrats on nearing post 100, and being a part of such a great family!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  23. Party! Party! Party!
    Your 100th Post deserves a big party to celebrate!
    The big bed! The best place to sleep on!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Maureen

    Mayzie, you are so awesome. 🙂

  25. Hi Miss Mayzie, oh wow, nearly 100 posts, that is soooo exciting! We’re so glad you found your furever home – we know it takes some doggies a little longer to ‘come home’ but when they do it’s such a great thing. You were BORN to lounge in that bed Miss Mayzie, it really becomes you!! 😀 Schnauzer snuggles – JD and Max.

  26. We love the bed too. I had to sleep on the hard cold ground for 3 years. Once I found the bed I NEVER left. I sometimes sneak off during the day and take a nap under the pillows. BOL

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo
    & Uncle Puppy

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