Saturday Smiley

Okay, we have to admit something. We TOTALLY stole this movie from Life with Dogs, so some of you have prolly already seen it. But we just can’t get enough of this Boxer puppy’s silliness and we figured that even if you have already seen it, it would STILL bring a smile to your face watching it a second time. (Plus, we bet this is what Maggie Mae looked like when she was a puppy!)

If you can’t see the movie, click here.


PeeS. If you haven’t already, please go visit Scout and Freyja to find out about a Most Touching thing they’re doing for our dear furend The Luke and his The Mom.


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29 responses to “Saturday Smiley

  1. Teddy Bear

    That is so funny! We love it!

    Teddy Bear

  2. Oh my! Oh me! I has never seen that before. My mom was laughing so hard at dat silly puppy!! Thank you Mayzie. It’s just what the doctor ordered!!

    Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

  3. We saw that video and sent the link to our sissy because she has a Boxer. It’s too cute!
    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Pip

    Thanks for the smile! Happy Saturday!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. BwaHahahahaha… said I use to do dat too. Dis video makes us laugh every time we watch it. 🙂
    Happy Saturday Mayzie and brudder Ranger, thanks fur da smiley!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. That video was hysterical and definitely good for another look (or five)

    Happy tails, FUREVER!
    Stumpy and her bean

  7. The OP Pack

    We did see that silly boxer video at Life with Dogs, but a good video is worth watching over and over. Thanks for our Saturday smile and we hope you have a great Saturday AND Sunday too.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  8. We hadn’t seen it before an d we loved it. I bet Maggie Mae did look just like that, too. That’s a very good looking baby boxer and she’s a beautiful girl.

  9. Frankie Furter

    I sent my card fur Luke out yesterday.
    that was a funny video. hehehe

  10. Hahaha….that is so funny! We love the way he shakes his head.

  11. That person’s never going to be able to use their leaf blower again!! Stuff that looks funny when a puppy is six months old isn’t so funny when they’re a big dog and freaking out about some ordinary thing. Our gran’paw Max, the first rottie, used to shake his leash in his teeth when he was excited about his walk. Mom thought it was very cute when he was little. Well, he became very strong and kinda neurotic about it. He and Mom would walk out the front door with mom all zigging and zagging…Mom never let us shake our leashes. We have to sit calmly before she even opens the door. Just sayin’. I takes a long time to train humans 🙂

  12. Roo

    Oh that is hilarious! Glad you stole it 😀

    Waggin at ya,

  13. That is so funny. She is trying to catch that air and doing a good job of it too.Love the way she swats at the air. Great video. Thanks so much Mayzie for the great laugh today. We loved it.

  14. Thanks fur the chuckles today Mayzie!!!!

    And also, fur da heads up about Luke’s cards……..we are sending one to our dear furrend and his mom, ASAP

  15. Sarge

    Hey Mayzie!
    Wow, what a cute video. BOL BWAR HAR Very fun. Thanks for sharing this chuckle with us.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  16. Wyatt

    I hate that crazy leaf blower, I try to kill it!!


  17. What a brave pup!
    Thanks for the smiles, Mayzie.
    Our BIG BOY BUDDY is such a scared pup when it comes to vacuums and blowers. He is improving though, (after seeing what I do, I guess) and looks more annoyed than scared these days.
    I like to ride on the vacuum cleaner as Mummy rolls it along. As a pup, I could fit on it, Now of course,I do not and so this exercise is no longer amusing.
    Shadow is a very very inquisitive and brave pup. He tries to sniff and then catch the blast of air!!

  18. We read about Our Dear Luke at Scout and Freyja’s. That is a very nice thing to do, what they are doing. We will send Luke a card too.

    We wish another miracle will take place an Luke will find a third life….
    It really saddens us to think he is leaving us…
    Buddy, Ginger n Shadow

  19. We had a good laugh when we saw that one on Life With Dogs! It reminded us of Maggie Mae!

    We have our card ready, just have to brave the cold to get it to the post office!


  20. What a silly puppy hehe

  21. What a silly puppy!! Kinda gives us puppy fever here. It doesn’t take much!

    Happy Saturday Smiley Day!


  22. BOL Thats a grrreat video!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo

  23. Puppies are sooooo furry silly!


  24. Hiya Mayzie (and mom),

    Charlie and I would like to thank you so much for your incredibly kind words and for telling others about our rough time. All the positive energy and well wishes have really made a difference.

    And if that wasn’t enough, this video actually got me to laugh!

    Thank you, again and again.

  25. miss mayzie,

    heeheeheehee. it doesn’t matter cuz me and asa and mama could watch that video over and over and over and over and over again. we will always get the giggles watchin’ that little boxer pup’s lips get all blown out from the leaf blower! BOL! 😀

    the booker man

  26. KB

    That’s a crazy puppy. Soooo cute! I bet that you looked just like that puppy when you were little, Mayzie! Thanks for the giggle!

  27. Way to cute Puppy! Thanks so much for sharing. It made Grammy laugh a lot, and that is a good thing. Her pneumonia is doing better, but laughing is ALWAYS good medicine! The CCC

  28. Kristine

    Somehow I missed this video the first time around, so thanks for re-posting it. Just what I needed on a Monday!

  29. Is that Maggie Mae? I’m pretty sure it is, she just doesn’t want us to know she was ever that silly.

    woof – Tucker

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