Win a Date with Mayzie

I’m sure you’ve ALL heard by now abouts the Most Exciting Blogville Valentine’s Pawty that Jess and Glacier are putting on. It’s to raise green papers to help one of our very good and Most Kindhearted furends, Dog Fostermom, build a fence for her fosterdoggies.

Well! As you can imagine, I was pretty excited abouts this. But then I realized…

I DON’T HAVE A DATE! (I yelled so you wouldn’t miss that.)

Now, most of you know that I have a very sweet boyfurend named Booker. Only, well, Booker hasn’t been in Blogville for awhile. The last I heard, he had joined the Paws Corps and was in the wilds of South Carolina working with other Labradogs to helps them conquer their addiction to tennis balls.

Booker Man, My Boyfurend and Paw Corps Volunteer

This is very much noble work and I support him 187% BUTT that means I’m Dateless on Valentine’s. (Like Sleepless in Seattle, only not as sappy.)

So THEN (more yelling) I thought…well, I could just ask one of my furends to go with me. But I have a lotta good furends and I wouldn’t want to hurt anybuddy’s feelings by picking one over the other.

And then I thought…why don’t I let all of YOU (even more yelling for emphasis) pick a date for me?

So here’s the dealio. If you (or somebuddy you know) would like to take me to the Valentine’s Pawty, just paw me an email at mayziegal AT gmail DOT com. Sends me your picture (or the picture of the date you’re nominating) and 3-5 sentences abouts why you (or they) would like to take me to the pawty. (Some ideas: Tell me how brave you are or how you’re very much a terrific dancer or how pretty my Brindle Furs are).

Oh, and you don’t have to be a doggie! I’m okay with interspecies dating so if you’re a kitteh or a goat or a donkey, that’s just super fine with me. And you don’t even have to have a bloggie, either! You just have to want to be my date.

I’ll take emails until January 27th and then I’ll post them on my bloggie and let everybuddy vote. 

And cuz I can’t ever do a contest without offering up some of mom’s green papers, I’ll make sure she donates 1 green paper for every entry I get to Dog Fostermom’s fence. (Oh, my mom’s gonna be SO excited when I tell her!)

Okay, let’s go over this again…

If you or somebuddy you know (of any species!) would like to be my date for the Valentine’s Pawty:

1. Send an email to mayziegal AT gmail DOT com

2. Include a picture of yourself or the furend you’re nominating.

3. Write 3-5 sentences about why you (or they) would like to take me to the dance.

4. Paw it to me by January 27th.

And that’s it! Easy-peasy!

Okay, uh, now I’m kinda nervous.  What if nobuddy wants to be my date? 

Haha! Just kidding! That would be KERAZY!



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31 responses to “Win a Date with Mayzie

  1. Daisy

    Mayzie, you are going to have those guys lining up. It’s going to be hard to choose a winner.

    We wondered what happened to Booker Man and Asa. We miss them.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  2. Oh Mayzie, we will work hard on finding you a date. We don’t have anyone here. There are nothing but girl doggies but we will start investigating and see if we can find you the most handsome date ever. Do you know where Booker is in South Carolina. That is where we live. Maybe he could come for a visit and escort you to the dance.
    That nice mom of yours Mayzie to donate green papers to that gal that is trying to build a fence. Have a great day all of you.

  3. Mayzie we are sure there will be lots of gentlemen doggies lining up to ask you to go to the party with them now that they know you are available.

  4. Sarge

    Hey Mayzie!
    Wow, you’re gonna need a bigger blog! BOL. Seriously, they’ll be lined up fur you. What a great idea and thanks for donating your Mom’s green papers. I’ll be adding your event to the BCCalendar in just a moment.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. We know you will get a lot of entries. Gussie is in mourning for his sweet Asta, who has moved to Hungary, so he wouldn’t be much fun. I will think and think and think.

    Oh, and let me know if brudder Ranger starts a contest…I will definitely enter.

    Teka Toy

  6. Mayzie, hab we gots da guy fow you!! Awe fuwbrudder, Winston, is da cats MeOw! We will hab awe secwetawy peemail youse!

    We frank you vewy mucho fow da supew easy, peasy direcshions on how to follow ju bloggy? Awe Mom (secwetawy) is a vewy nice lady butt not vewy smawts when it comes to computew stuffs!! MOL

  7. Oh wow! Thank you so much for donating your mom’s green papers. I didn’t even know you had done that. And, I am very sure you will have a lot of boys to choose from. There are two boy doggies in my house who are currently dateless… 😉

  8. Oh goodie, we will go pick out the perfect man cat to escort you Mayzie, since we don’t have any Mandogs here. We will take some pictures and get them to ya. We are so excited about this.

  9. Casper’s preparing his “bio” and 8×10 glossy as we speak. I told him no cologne unless he wins.

  10. Oh we gots to get our thinking caps on… this is gonna be fun!

    Sam and Pippen

  11. Oh Mayzie dis is such a wonderful thing fur you yous to give your mom’s greenpapers fur. Can’t have free range doggies all overs da hood.
    Nows bouts dis Win A Date…can you forward me these applications fur da Puddles Paw of Approval? I mean I has to knows dat you is gonna be in good paws, claws or whatevers. Oh and do you think it would be overboard to do background checks?
    I was thinkin’ bout Booker da udder day. Sounds like he is doin’ a most noble thing.


  12. Turk sent in his applications – he would say “no other dogs need apply” but since you are raising money for Dog Foster Mom, he’ll let the other boys try to win your heart. But we know who will come out on top! 😉

  13. Frankie Furter and Ernie

    OH GIRRRRRL this is a grrrrreat Idea. You are gonna get Flooded with Offers!!! I cant wait to see how this turns out!!!

  14. Mayzie, you have the best Mom ever!!!! Good luck on all your choices. This is going to be so fun to watch!!! I hope you get tons of choices and lots of green papers for the fence!!!
    xx, Zoie & Fern

  15. Pip

    Now don’t tell Ronnii, but if i weren’t already spoken for …I would be FIRST IN LINE to take you to the dance!

    Your pal, Pip

  16. Oh Mayzie how cood anyone nots want a date wivs yoo , yoo is uber prettisome n yoo gots dat gawjuss brindle furs goin on. Girl yoo is one cutie patootie

    Izzy n Ronnii
    xxx xxx

  17. Oh sweetie, they are gonna be lined up to win a date with you!!!

  18. Hey Girlfriend….may I first state you are looking absolutely breathtaking in your multicolored fashionista scarf!! Not everyone can rock a scarf but GF you most certainly can!

    I expect by 5PM Collie-rado time you will have 87 million emails and pictures of all the eligible male K9s saying ‘pick me’!!

    FYI: if you need a lady-in-waiting…I’m your girl!!
    Hugs from your BFFF,

  19. Oh Mayzie, we think there will be a line of dogs waiting to beg for your paw – it is going to be very hard to select one. Maybe you should just have a dance card and try them all out:)

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Frankly, I can’t see another couple as cute as us. Together. Yous and moi. Now, I know I’m a little guy, but I’ve got a BIG heart. Guess I’d better enter….

    ArroOOoooOOOoOoooOOOO, Stuart

  21. Oh Mayzie, I’m dateless too! Maybe Blgville needs a match maker. I’m sure they guys will be lining up to be your date
    Dachshund Nola

  22. Please vote for me! I already sent Mayzie my picture, because I have a soft spot for the sassy brindle gals.

  23. Mayzie- You are going to have more dates than you can handle…a pretty gal like yourself!! Stanzie is going with George. I’m going to be busy in the kissing booth…just sayin’


  24. Hi Mayzie, I really love your blog and your rescue story, so I have awarded you the Liebster Blog award. Check out my most recent blog post ( for more info. Congratulations!

  25. Mayzie,

    Da line of guys linin’ up to take you to da dance will be endless. 🙂 OoH I see dat Casey is in da line, him would be a great catch!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  26. Lorenza

    I hope you will not have to choose just one!!
    Kisses and hugs

  27. Mayzie, Mayzie… You silly girl. I’m sure your email inbox would be flooded with lots of requests for this date. If you don’t mind having a date with a member of PawsBang (we’ll be pawforming at the pawty!), I’d sign up immediately!



  28. Uh oh! I see a look in a certain young puppy’s eye! Mayzie, be careful what you wish for.


    P.S. I was wondering about Booker and Asa just the other day!

  29. Tucker

    Do you likes Tall, skinny, spotted doggies?

    woof – Tucker

    PeeS – don’t tells my Bella.

  30. Oh! Mayzie! I am always up for new girlfriends – I will send you a piccy 🙂

  31. Lewi

    Dear Mayzie-
    Mom says she will give me $20 green papers for our date if you choose me!
    Growls and Grumbles,

Leave Me a Pawment!