1st Blogoversary Commentathon

Hi, hi everybuddy! Thank you for stopping by to help celebrate my Most Special day!

Yep, one year ago today, I started this bloggie and ohmidogness! What a super fun time it’s been. I’ve gotten to make so many Most Wonderful furends and do so many Most Exciting things and I just feel oh-so-grateful that you all have decided to come along with me. I sure hope you know that I treasure each and every single one of you.

Okay, are you ready? On to the Commentathon!

Remember, for each comment we get, mom will donate 25 cents to Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation, up to 100 green papers (that’s 400 comments!). AND we will ALSO draw somebuddy completely-at-random and give a matching donation to the rescue or shelter of their choice!


1. You may leave one separate comment for EACH member of your family – whether they’re 4 legged, 2 legged or something else.

2. Commenting is open until 11:59pm Pacific time January 27th.

3. For the matching donation drawing, each family that comments will get one entry. That way, families with only 2 members will have the same chance to win as families with 10 members.

4.The winner of the drawing will be announced on Monday, the 31st.

All right. You ready? Operators are standing by.

Let the Commentathon begin!


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422 responses to “1st Blogoversary Commentathon

  1. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie!!! It has been great to get to know you over the past year. I hope you and Puddles have fun reading all the comments – you look like you are all ready for a busy day!!
    -Dog Foster Mom

  2. Ok – Shiloh here. Mom sed since I wuz the oldest (not countin’her) I can b the furst in our family. You got any beer to go with thoze cheetoz – oh wait, mite wanna make that kool-aid cuz the beer mite make u sleepy – it duz mom. Well I iz just soooo furry much happy tu b here an’wish u a very happy Blogiversary I iz so furry much glad that we were introduced an’r friendz now. Good luck on your Commentathon.

  3. Congratulations on this big milestone Mayziegal! It’s been such fun having a bloggie friend like you in cyberspace. Good luck with your commentathon! Raising my glass to another fun-filled year.
    Sending lotsaluv too

  4. Happy Blogaversary Mayzie,
    It has been fun getting to know you and having you as my friend. WOW how the first year went huh?? Ya know~~Time flies when you are having fun!! I look forward to seeing what this next year will bring fur you. Have a great day and I know you will be busy reading all the comments!! Enjoy my friend!!

  5. Sam

    Happy Blogaversary, Mayzie – and many, many more! Hard to believe you’ve already been blogging a year. Looking forward to reading even more about you in the coming year.

  6. Congrats, Mayzie! You’ve done fantastic things in one short year. I love it!

  7. “Yes, yes, Mayzie rocks!” says pit/pointer Mickey.

  8. “Sorry, but I prefer Ranger,” shepherd/black lab Lyla says.

  9. “I love the kittehs,” says tabby Abby.

  10. “I concur,” says stinky breath mutt gal kitteh Isabel.

    The entire family has spoken. Great idea, Mayzie and Mom!

  11. Arlene Singleton

    Happy Blogiversary sweet girl! (Even tho I don’t know what a blog is!) Love you, Mema!

  12. Patti Grider

    Happy Blogiversary to you and your Mom! Love to you, Ranger, Abby, Ripley, your handsome Dad, and beautiful Mom! Aunt Patti

  13. Happy blogaversary, Mayzie and congratulations on your first year of blogging! This is a wonderful way to celebrate!

  14. Larry & Eagle

    Happy Anniversary to you! You sure know a LOT of words and put them together so well! 🙂

  15. Larry & Eagle

    Happy Anniversary! You know a LOT of words and put them together so well 🙂

  16. Happy Bloggieanniversary Mayzie! Looking forward to read more about you. You got Puddles there to help you man the cheetos i mean the phone ya? hehehe.. so cute!

    woofs n licks,

  17. Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie!!!!
    I’m surprised there’s no beers along with the Cheetos in the last peekture! Hehhe.


  18. OC

    OC: Since I’m the matriarch of Corgi Country, so I get to congratulate you first, Mayzie on your 1st Blogiversary. It’s been great to have a friend like you that is always so up and raise all our spirits!

  19. I’ve loved having you for a friend, too, Mayzie. I can’t believe it’s been a year already, but I hope there are many more!

  20. Hi my fellow heroine, most gorgeous, Mayzie. Pepsi told me you’ve got this very amazing comment-a-thon going on so you can empty the Mom’s wallet, and give to the doggies in need. That’s a most neato idea! I hope you get to empty the whole bank instead of just the wallet 😉


  21. Happy First Blogoversary, Mazie! We’re so proud and pleased for you. Another Sooner success story! You didn’t mention just how close the family members have to be, so we’re submitting entries from Pretty Girl and our kitteh cousins, but if that’s too tenuous a connection, we understand.

    Jed [of Jed & Abby]

  22. You are just as happy-go-lucky as I am, Mayzie! You are MY kind of gal for having fun (you and that Spanish sweetie, Lorenza) I hope to read your happy blogs for a long time!

  23. Your cake looks yummy! Mama never makes us cakes, but I have chronic pancreatitis so my diet is strictly limited. But I can enjoy looking!

    Abby [of Jed & Abby]

  24. They very seldom let me participate in bloggy things, but since this is to help rescue dogs and I AM one, they said I could say hi, too! I love to read over the corgis’ shoulders and hear about the fun at your place. Have another great year… and many more after that!

  25. Mama’s congrats to your mom for doing such a wonderful job assisting you, finding wonderful stories and cute photos & videos, keeping us informed. You meet the highest standards in a blog!

    Jed & Abby’s mama

  26. I’m also a rescue doggie, like you [and my cousins, Jed & Abby of Merryland], so I love hearing about your rescue and your happy home now. We’re all very lucky.

    Cousin Pretty Girl of Virginia

  27. Tank

    Congrats Mayzie!!

  28. As the oldest of the pups, I get to go next! It’s been a GREAT year, Mayzie, and we always have a fun time when we come here to visit! We ALL hope to be reading your bloggie for many more years!

  29. Hi there Mayzie, I know we haven’t met before… I’m the newest sisfur critter in the family and I’m very shy so I seldom come out. But I just wanted to say, Happy Blogoversary!


  30. Hello Miss Mayzie :o)

    Happy Blogoversary!
    Such a fun postie :o) and sooo happy to see Cutie Pie Puddles helping you.
    I’m so happy we are friends! Have a wonderful celebration beautiful Girl ♥

    Neeko :o)

  31. I’m the senior kitteh cousin of Jed & Abby of Merryland. Like the rest of the family, I’m a rescue. In fact, I was rescued three times! I’m not only the kitteh with seniority, I’m also a senior citizen kitteh. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for sharing your blog with Ripley.


  32. I may be a grump around here because having TWO brothers can be a PAIN… but I always get happy after spending a little time with you, Mayzie! You bring out the HAPPY in all of us! Thanks for that!

  33. Hmmm… don’t know about this blogging stuff. I’m a kitteh who values her privacy. But I’m happy for you because you obviously love it.

    Missy [another kitteh cousin of Jed & Abby]


  35. DeDe & Lizzie

    Congrats to Mayzie and to her wonderful Mum! I truly enjoy reading your exploits. Much love from Auntie DeDe and her furchild Lizzie.

  36. Saving the best for last, I’m Jed & Abby of Merryland’s final entry in the kitteh cousin sweeps. I’m sure Ripley and I would get along famously – NOT! I have to be the top cat, and I’m guessing Ripley feels the same.


  37. rottrover

    Mayzie Gal, happy blogoversary. You welcomed us to Blogville graciously and we participated in your “wear something red” contest. We admire you a lot. We find your bloggie to be both interesting and fun. From time to time you remind us of important issues, at others you make us smile or you share something about your lives. You have courage to confront wrong doing. We’ve really enjoyed geting to know Brudder Ranger and you this year. Congrats!!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

    I have a feeling that by the end of the day your mum’s purse is going to be quite empty.

    What a great cake that is. I’m not a cake fan myself….but the Girl Of The House is. In fact she loves cake so much that although her real name is Caitlin…the family call her CakeTin.

    As a special treat for your blogoversary I MIGHT let the Lady Of The House log on as me and leave a comment too….but we’ve got to head off and do a few jobs first.

    Enjoy your day

    Love Winnie the greyhound

  39. Happy Blogoversary! It’s really nice of you to help the shelter you were adopted from. Have a nice time celebrating!

  40. Morning Mayzie and HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY my lovely furiend, it has been most wonderfl gettin to know yu nd your sooper di dooper family over da last few months . I has da major happi’s dat we knows yu

    xx xx

  41. Beth West

    You are a cool dog.

  42. HAPPY HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY my dear sweet furiend! I a so thankful everyday dat you started bloggin’. My mum gots me up extra early so I could leaves my comment…notice da time…hehehe!

    Gosh, dis phone sure does ring alot. Can you pass me another beer?


  43. Hi Mayzie, we are visiting from Madi’s blog.
    Happy Blogoversary!
    We think what your mom is doing is wonderful!
    Cindi Lou Who

  44. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!
    More purrs,
    Sissi Cat

  45. Move over all of you, it’s my turn.
    Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!
    Purrs & rubs,
    Fuzzy Cat

  46. Happy blogaversie mayzie. What a nice thing for you to do…. 🙂

  47. Happy Blogoversary sweet girl – this is the best way to celebrate too…!! We hope for lots and lots of comments – well it is good for your mom to set a limit as we don’t want you to starve!
    There must always be green papers left for the kibble.
    We have loved getting to know you through blogville and are so happy that you have the best forever home now.
    Much love
    Martha and Bailey xxxx

  48. ps could we please have another piece fo that cake? It was truly delicious – pity our human is useless at baking!

  49. pps we don’t want to be mean or bitchy but could we just ask you to watch Puddles with that beer……………….! For a small dog she can sure pack them away and you know what she is like once she starts with the beer!!!!

  50. Roo

    Happy happy Happy happy Happy Blogoversary! So glad you did and still do! 😀

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: Who ate all the gumballs???

  51. LOL…Hi Mayzie!!! You, dear one, are the star for the day!!! And rightfully so!! We cats are visiting with you and sending our best wishes on your 1 yr. anniversary of blogging…we came from the link left on Madi’s sidebar!!

    Happy Happy Blogging!!!!

    Today…MAYZIE RULES!!

  52. Happy Furst BlogOversary!

    This is a super khool way to celebrate!

    Almost as fun as snow zoooooomies!


  53. Khyra’s Mom here…

    Blog Readers…




  54. The OP Pack

    Happy Blogaversary, Mayzie!!! I have enjoyed all your wonderful posts and hope to see many more. What you are doing here today is pawesome.

    Woos, Phantom

  55. The OP Pack

    Mayzie – mega congrats on your first blogaversary from me too. I got the staff at the vet’s here to let me paw my congrats while I wait here to have my ear de-flowered. What a wonderful cause!!!

    Woos, Thunder

  56. The OP Pack

    Hi Mayzie – Ciara here. I am pretty lonesome this morning – the first night here without my brother TD. Phantom isn’t much of a snuggler:( But since I am hearing that I am going to be lap-topless soon, I wanted to be sure I got a chance to paw you some congratulations on your first blogaversary. It looks like you and your Mom are well on your way to many good wishes and comments.

    Woos, Ciara

  57. The OP Pack

    And one more from the Momster – Mayzieand Mom – you two rock!!! Congrats on the blogaversary AND on your very generous donation.

    The OP Pack Mom

  58. Kara and Ki-lee

    Blueberry sent me here today – Congrats on your 1 year anniversary –
    Greyt Blog!! Nice to meet you today Mayzie!!

  59. Mayzie, a very Happy Blogoversary to you. We just love you and your blog. You are one of our very favorite places to visit. You have such a good sense of humor and always on top of the news. This commentathon is a great idea too. Take care and have a really fun day today.
    Marg and all the animals. We will only enter once.

  60. Happy happy day! I woke up mom & dad at 4:06 AM and I just finished my breakfast and now I’m ready to start my day but I had to stop by here and comment first thing then I’m heading outside to do my business. Love that cake, is it bacon flavored? I sure hope so. Okay I gotta go now…

  61. Oh and mom says to tell you she wishes I had opposable thumbs so I could type my own comments ’cause it’s so darned early and she’s kinda crabby today.

  62. And dad, well, he’s just over there in the chair kinda staring at the TV like he’s in a trance or something. But that’s nothing new… okay I really really gotta go now bye!

  63. Rachel

    Happy Happy day Mayzie! I just started reading your blog and it is absolutely wonderful! Looking forward to the next year ahead 🙂

    Rachel, Luke and Amy

  64. Happy, Yappy Blogoversary to you (and Happy Birfday to me and my brudder, Max (DaOdderWeenie)…we shares our special day wit your special day!


  65. Cupcake


    Looking forward to many more years of all your great stories. I love your blog. Your Mom is the best, a big thank you to her for donating to the rescue group.

    Love, Cupcake

  66. Morning Mayzie my Beautiful Brindle friend!!!
    OMD/OMC it took us like forever to find the comment box!!!
    Jumpin’ Catfish you already have 65 comments. If this continues you all will be eating beans and franks and there will BE no money for BEER.
    Happy 1st Blogoversary,
    Hugs Purrs and nose taps,

  67. My Dearest Mayzie and Mayzie Mom!!!
    I am thrilled to have made your acquaintance over the last year.
    Your abode if full of superior humans and canines and felines.
    Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on this momentous day.
    Respectively yours,
    Madison Mother
    PS Madi here…oh my stars Mayzie after reading the above you now must realize why I, Madi, am the only one allowed to speak on my blog. MOL

  68. Happy Blogversary, Mayzie!


  69. Hi Mayzie! We love you!


  70. Hi Mayzie! We love you too!

    Dilly Day

  71. Hi Mayzie! Did I tell you I am starting to get more brindle coloring to my coat? I am looking like you more everyday! It’s great being a Pibble!


  72. Pip

    Hurray for Mayzie!!! Mama has to be at work early and doesn’t have time to read blogs this morning, but GUESS WHAT – She saved a few minutes extra minutes for us to visit YOUl!! That’s how special you are to us!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: OK, now I am going to turn the key board over to my feline siblings. They don’t have accounts so it will say it is from Pip, but it is really from the kitties (trust me, I am snoopervising).

  73. We love your blog, Mayzie!


  74. You are such a cute Pibble!


  75. We are so honored to be your furends!

    BIG Boomba

  76. It is so nice of you to donate money to help other pups and cats!


  77. I want to be just like you when I grow up!


  78. I want to be just like you when I grow up!


  79. I want to be just like you when I grow up!


  80. Did anyone ever tell you I want to be just like you when I grow up?


  81. Heehee! We just got a sign that said to stop leaving comment so fast!


  82. Pip

    Hi Mayzie,

    I am not sure my last comment went through??

    I hear you have a cute orange and white kitty brother. If he is ever in Chicago, have him give me a call!

    Purrs, Rosie (Pip’s feline sister)

    P.S.: Pass the Cheetos

  83. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!!!!
    Time flies when we are having fun!
    Ranger, can I have some Cheetos please?
    Steve the yorkie

  84. You are an amazing doggie, Mayzie! Please tell your mom to give you extra cheese today!

    Kim (Ruthie’s mom)

  85. Pip

    OK, it’s Pip again, but this comment is actually from Sweet Pea. Rosie and I are going to prop him up at the keyboard (he is 20 and all). Here goes

    H a p p y B l o g o v e r s a r y M a y z i e

    P u r r s , S w e e t P e a

    C a n I g o b a c k to b e d n o w, P i p

  86. Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden Wishes … Happy 1st Blogversary. Delighted to be bloggie friends. This blogversary commentathon is a wonderful idea – great way to help shelter/rescue groups. I do have a rescue group that I support. Lots of Golden Thanks and Woofs, Sugar

  87. Happy Blogaversary to sweet Miss Mayzie

    you gots lots of friends and commentators

    Teka will be by later


    (she went back to bed!)

  88. Congratulations! You are a great presence in blogville!
    woof – Tucker
    Dat be 25 cents Mayzie momma.

  89. Mayzie, I think you’re going to have a lot of comments today! BOL! I’m so glad you started your blog so we could get to know you and Ranger, and even Cap’n Ripley. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us for next year!


  90. Happy Blogiversary pretty girl! I love reading your blog…keep up the good work!


  91. Miss Mayzie, I think you are most beautiful! Will you be my girlfriend?


  92. Mayzie, I think if we met in real life, we’d be the bestest of friends. You’re a pretty cool girl!


  93. Wowser!!! It took like furevers to find the end of da comments, and we thought we were early!!! heehee!
    Your mom’s pocketbook is gonna be sooooooooo empty!

    Happy Blogoversary my furrend!!

    Minna Krebs

  94. Mayzie, happy 1 year blog anniversary. We look forward to getting to know you a little better this year. We must get our slacker human to read more blogs for us. Also, we think this is a super duper cool idea your Mom has for your anniversary. Have a great day. The HoundDogs

  95. Lucy Here…………………..Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!!!

    uhm, you might want to add some help to your phone bank. A certain doxie girl was trying to assist me…but all I could hear was the sound of a beer can opening…….just sayin, ya know! heehee

  96. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!!!!!!

    I think I hear crunching and the sound of a Cheeto bag rustling over the phone lines? Is it just me???



    Hi Mayzie! Diane “The Momma” gets to post first, ’cause I said so!!! happy 1st bloggaversary! soglad you have such a teriffic forever home! I’ll have to add your bloggie to the ever growing list of DWB & CWB Blogs I follow!!! Lots of hugs & love to you!
    Diane, Joe, & “Jack” the cat (upstate NY)


    Hi Mayzie! Congradulatons on your first blogaversary! So glad you found such a wonder forever home!! Your families generosity is so “Amberish”!! hugs & much love to you!
    diane & Joe & “Jack” the cat (upstate NY)


    Hi Mayzie! I’m Joe “Jack” the cats daddy. congradulations!! Momma will have to add you to the ever growing DWB & CWB blogs she alreads! Big hugs & belly rubs to you!
    Joe & Diane & “Jack” the cat (Upstate NY)

  100. OoH Mayzie,
    Happy 1st Blogoversary girlfuriend! It sure looks like your Commentathon is a great success! YaY fur you and Yay fur da Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation! Luvs you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  101. Wow – we remembered but there’s already 99 comments! Did we make it???

  102. sparkeespud

    Happy Blogoversary! This is a really neat thing you’re doing!

  103. Nell

    Wow, not even7 AM and almost 100 comments! Happy Blogoversary Mayzie and thanks for all you do to help homeless doggies!

  104. sparkeespud

    Ditto what Rocco said! I’m new to this here blog thing!
    -Katie (Foster staying with Rocco and his family!)


    Hi Mayzie!!! Finally… I get to post! (sheesh!!!) I am “Jack” the cat. I was the stray who came to stay, & I’m furry glad I found my furever home with Momma & Daddy, so I know just how wonderful that feeling is! This is a terrriiifffiiiccc way to celebrate your first blogaversary!!! I don’t blog, but look forward to being buddies on FB!! Hope you get lots of treats & belly rubs & ear scritches & hugs on your special pppuurrrrrrfffeecccctttt day!! fuuuurrrreeevvvveeerrrr yours,
    “Jack” the cat & Diane & Joe (upstate NY)

  106. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie! – Ettel

  107. Yup, I think you’re doin’ good stuff. -Charlie

  108. I always knew you were my kinda girl. -Emma

  109. Eh, you dogs are alright after all. -Tigress

  110. Happy Blogoversary!

  111. Happy Blogoversary!

  112. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!

  113. It’s been great to get to know you! Oh happy day Mayzie!
    Wiggles & Love,

  114. Ohhh Happy Bogoversary Miss Mayzie, mee is so much enjoyin readin about your furst bloggys, mee is so glad mee knows yoo. Hopes yoo has a sooper di dooper day
    Lotsa lovs

  115. My goodness Mayzie a vote from everyone! I shall start by saying that I am so happy to have you and your Mom as friends on blogger. I love reading your posts and getting your comments. Congrats on one year.


  116. My nap has been interrupted to wish you a happy blogoversary!
    Harry the cat

  117. I feel as though I should have brought a gift. Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie!
    Lilly the cat

  118. Shasta here now – I am so furry much happy tu – tu meet u an’git a nu furriend. Happy 1st Blogiversry Mayzie.

  119. Hi Mayzie, I like to check out your blog whenever Cap’n Ripley posts or sissy Abby since I am a kitty. I’m glad that Puddles is over helping you, but watch she doesn’t get distracted with the toilet paper or something like a piece of string. Congrats on making it one year!

  120. Happy 1 year of bloggin’ Mayzie!!!!!!! I’m so glad we’ve become great furiends!!! Hopes for many years to follow!

  121. I love reading all your stories Mayzie! You’re such a lucky beautiful brindle girl!
    -Corbin’s momma, Jenn

  122. I enjoy hearing all about your blog from Jenn and Corbin, and I especially enjoy your stories about beer and cheeto’s! Happy 1 year to you, from our little family!!!
    -Corbin’s dad, Adam

  123. Congratulations, Mayzie. This is a wonderful accomplishment! I am popping over from the link on Tales & Tail. What a generous way to celebrate your special day.
    Lori along with Freedom & Casper (the greyhounds)

  124. Miss Mayzie,
    Wishing you all the best on your 1st Blogoversary!

    Blessings and Love to you and your family,
    Maggie Mae’s mom Janelle

  125. Frankie Furter

    Hello Mayzie, It is Frankie’ MOM. Happy day to you!! Frankie’s little Cousin Francine is here with me. She helped me to leave this note.

  126. Frankie Furter

    Happy BLOGAVERSARY MAYZIE!!! It is ME… Frankie’s Cussin Francine. I hope you have thousands of comments to help you celebrate your special day!!
    I am headed for Mango’s Estate. I want to get into his big contest thing.
    Kissy Face, Francine

  127. Frankie Furter

    Aiiiiieee I see that Cussin Francine has my MOM messing in my blog.
    I hope that you get 87 bazillion comments today!!!!
    And I wish you many more years of Happy Blogging.

  128. Dillon

    Happy Blogaversary Mayzie!
    I am Dillon – Levi Mac’s cuzin.
    Have a pawesome day!!
    `wags` ~ Dillon

  129. ♫ Happy Blogoversary to You ♫ Happy Blogoversary to You ♫ Happy Blogoversary Dear Mayzie ♫ Happy Blogoversary to You ♫ AHWOO ♫

  130. This is excellent! So many people are leaving comments! I hope the Animal Foundation people realize how lucky they are!


  131. Way to go! Happy first year!


    Mr. Nubbin’

  132. Jada here, my turn to say congrats!

    Have a great day!


  133. I get to go next!

    Petey the Cat

  134. Once I say congrats do you think mom will feed me?!


  135. It’s great your mom is doing this!



  136. Many well wishes on your first year!


  137. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! This is the bestest thing ever, except for my ball and my lunge whip. We are just so excited to help you celebrate!

    FAJ and Ruger Monster Peas!

  138. Mayzie ~ We are so proud of all you have accomplished this year. You are a true dog ambassador! Can’t wait to see you on Friday!

    Carroll and Doug!

  139. What a wonderful way to celebrate your Blogoversary, Mayzie! You already know you are a very lucky dog, but I’m here to tell you that you have a wonderfully generous Mom. Congratulations on having the good sense to choose her.

  140. Louise’s cat, Becky, here. I’m the cat who has been with her the longest, and I am very well loved. I was a barn kitten, who would have gone to the shelter if Louise hadn’t taken me home. Thank you, Mayzie and Mom, for doing this wonderful thing.

  141. I’m next, and I’m Louise’s cat, Gina. I came from Lollypop Farm, a dog and cat shelter. I was an older cat, and until Louise came along, no one wanted me. I have been with Louise for six years now, and I am very happy. I try to be as sweet and gentle as I can be, so that she knows that I know how lucky I am.

  142. Miss Mayzie, we loves you. (well, I specially loves Brudder Ranger, but this isn’t his blog, right?) We hope you have a special Blogaversary.

    Teka Toy

  143. Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie! I’m still amazed at your communication skills. All Ripley ever talks about is treats and napping. Keep up the good work!

  144. Oh, oh, it’s my turn! I’m Rachael, and I’m the baby of the group. I am very rambunctious, and I bounce when I run. I came from a county humane shelter and my Mom found me at one of the outreach places that Pet Smart runs. I think you are doing a wonderful thing! OK, enough sitting still, I have to go bounce some more.

  145. Well, it’s about time! It’s a pain being the only male in the household, and having to be a gentleman and let the girls go first. I’m Leon, the king of Louise’s pride. I’m big, and yellow, and very friendly. But, make no mistake, I rule the household. I also came from Lollypop Farm, as an older cat. Phftttttt! I’m not old, and I don’t act old. I put my stamp of approval on this project of yours, Mayzie and her Mom.

  146. Gretchen

    Love your blog! Thanks for running the Commentathon.


  147. Benny & Lily

    Happee Bloaversary. We love the commentthon and your hysterical badge. Awesome!
    Benny & Lily

  148. Happy blogoversary!! We just celebrated ours on Monday! This comment is for me, the human, Elyse!

  149. Riley says she wants to take part in the commentathon too!

  150. Now aunt Chloe wants to leave a comment.

  151. And then there’s Grandma who lives with us who wants to leave a comment!

  152. And last but certainly not least is Grandpa who lives with us!

  153. Hi

    The Lady Of The House here – as Winnie likes to call me – I see you are getting closr to 200 comments. That would be nice wouldn’t it.
    This is a great idea and I think your mum is very kind and generous.
    Good luck and hope you are having a lovely day.

    Love Elaine

  154. Gail

    Miss Mayzie!
    The day you started your bloggie was one of the happiest ever for me. Each day I look forward to opening your page to see what wisdom you will share with us. I work with your mom and she is very, very proud of what a good and smart doggie you are…we talk about you LOTS!
    Your human furrend, Gail

  155. And I thought I was early!

    Happy Blogoversary beautiful Mayzie!! You’re a special gal and we all love you so very much. I can’t believe it’s only been a year, you’ve had such an impact on our lives.

    Many, many, MANY more years of blogging and putting smiles on our faces. Kisses to you pretty girl!

  156. OK. Here we are! Happy Blogoversary!

    Arrooo Roo, Stuart

  157. My turn….Stuart’s “Her” here.

    What a great idea Mazie! Thanks for all the good doggie work you do!

    Stuart’s Peep

  158. Gail

    Yo, Mayzie!
    Lewi here to wish you a cool Blogaversay. Mom tells us that you are pretty and smart…hoping to meet you one of these days!
    Lewis (aka; LooDahBoo, LewisOfAll, Lewiston, BeeBahBoo)

  159. Skippy

    It must be hard 2 make a bloggie! Typing with no thumbs takes furever. U r a pretty grrl. I would share my squeaky toy with u.


  160. What a great idea for a Blogoversary, Mayzie! You are so kind to donate to such a good cause on your Blogoversary! If I had known that your Blogoversary was on another important date (my Birthday) I would’ve baked you an extra cake and we could’ve shared it on one blog post! Your blog is super and I am sorry I haven’t visited lately but you will forgive me, right?
    April (Daisy, Buster, and Henry’s mom)

  161. Gail

    Hello, Mayzie-
    Hope you have a fun and comment-filled Blogaversay. It’s nice that you are raising green papers for rescue groups. You and I have in common that we were both rescued doggies and I hope that we can meet at the THE FUN PLACE (dog park) to sniff each other and run around.
    Kibbie (aka; Kibblette, Little Wiggly, KibbityDooDah, Wiglette)

  162. Gail

    Hi, hi, hi Miss Mayzie!
    Hope your Blogaversary is a blast! I think in honor of your special day, I will take something unusual out onto the deck just to celebrate! Two days ago I moved a small, delicate china bowl with a handle into the sunroom and put it down right side up. 5 days ago I took an entire stack of dvds out onto the deck and didn’t even leave toothmarks on the case. Booyah! I will have to do something SPECTACULAR to top those! Looking forward to sniffing you soon!
    Daisy (aka; BIG Daisy, Miss Daisy, Yellow Dog)

  163. Hey Mayzie! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!!
    How wonderful for you to get a second chance at life and found a great home!
    May you have lots of happy adventures!
    My dog, Raider, is a Golden Retriever Rescue, and he’s a lot happier guy
    since coming to our home. But now he’s an “RV Dog”, ’cause we sold the house and are living our dream traveling in a big RV across the USA!
    From Raider: Enjoy that beautiful cake!
    Best wishes, Kathy and Raider

  164. Hi Mayzie! Happy Blogoversary! I was sent here by Bunny from Tales and Tails. How nice that you’re helping recue pups in honor of your blogoversary!

  165. Amy

    Happy Blogoversary Mayzie! Can I have some of that cake? 🙂

  166. Mayzie! Thanks for answering the phone! I was totally worried that I get Puddles… Anyways, just wanted to say happy blogoversary and thanks for having a super duper blog! You are an aMAYZIng Friend!


  167. Merry Christma… what? oh! Sorry… Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie! Hope this is just the first of many, many blogoversaries for you!


  168. Hey Mayzie… This is Chico Kitteh… Sam and Pippen’s Kitteh brother… I really like your blog but only when Captain Ripley is on. Us orange cats gotta stick together!

    Chico Kitteh

  169. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie!! We are happy to have found your sweet blog and we love you and your family! xoxo

  170. Oh gosh, so many comments already…we have to roll down this far to leave ours. Happy Blogoversary and glad that we have met you!!

  171. 170 already!!!? THat is super awesome – like you! I’m so glad we met – Happy Mayzieblogaversary!!

  172. Stella

    Its very generous of your Mom, Mazyzie, to pay money for the comments! Looks like Rescue is gonna do very well with your
    Blogoversary! I am glad you are here and had this most good idea for the anniversary of your blog!

    Your pal,
    Peeess: My Mom, and Kitty are going to write too.

  173. Barb

    I LOVE YOU MAYZIE!!!!! (I love your blog too) You are so adorable and I always look forward to reading your posts. Happy Blogoversary to you 🙂

  174. Stella

    Hi Mayzie: This is from Stella’s Mom, Jo, who loves the things you say on your blog and in comments! You are a most special pup!
    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella’s Mom

  175. Stella

    Hullo, Mayzie:

    Happy Blogoversary from Ali Zophia, Stella’s Cat! I don’t usually care to write to dogs, but this is a special deal. Hope rescues get lots of green papers from your Mom.

    Meow, meow,
    Ali Zophia

  176. How furry, furry, furry cool, Mayzie!!
    Count us in & GOOD LUCK!

    Rudy – the dog with a blog

  177. Barbara

    Happy Blogaversary!!!!

  178. Fern Reed

    Hi Mayzie,
    I hear it is your one year blogaversary!!! Congrats on that!!! I have seen your comments from time to time but have not come by to say HI!! I wish I could meet all the blogger’s that are animal people but time doesn’t let me. I think you are a very pretty girl Mayzie!! So glad you found a good home. I wish all the great homeless animals could be so lucky!!!!!
    It is a wonderful thing you are doing for the animals, thank you so very much!!
    xx, Fern

  179. Happy blogoversary, Mazie! We’re so glad we found your blog and have loved getting to know another beautiful brindle baby!

  180. Uh….uh…ummmm….(what do I do?)…hello, Mayzie…it’s Me Whitney, Puddles sister. I wanted to…uh, drop by to say congratulations on your blogoversary. Puddles has told me so much about you and I understand you have come along way with love and guidance. I hope I can accomplish as much as you have…you are a hero to so many…and you mom and dad too.

    with love,

  181. Jackie

    Happy Blogiversary Mayzie!!

    Levi’s momma

  182. Levi

    You go girl! A celebration and some fun to boot! Hope you get to 400! I’ll have my momma and daddy comment too 🙂
    Happy Day!!

  183. Brian

    Happy Blogiversary Mayzie- looks like you are well on your way to reaching your goal!

    Brian- Levi’s daddy

  184. Hi, Mayzie, its Trixie! Look at all the votes you’re getting! You are doing a great job! Are you proud of yourself? From one rescue dog to another, congratulations and happy blogaversary!

  185. This is Sammy-Joe! I was going to comment first but Trixie pushed me outta the way. She said rescue dogs have a special bond! I love what you’re doing here… keep up the good work!

  186. fiffur


  187. FINALLY its my turn! I wanted to say Hi and I love you and I played in the snow today and now I am chewing on my tennis ball. When is it gonna be MY blogavesary! WHAT? ELEVEN MONTHS? I can’t wait that long!!! Keep up the good work, Mayzie!

  188. This comment is to say that my mom person loves you!

  189. MISS MAYZIE!!!

    look at me bein’ comment # 189! BOL! your mama is gonna be in the poor house for sures. don’t worry your pretty brindle self, though, cuz i have a stash of treatsies that i can totally mail your way if thingies get hairy. teehee.

    the booker man

  190. This comment is to say the Chloe the kitty loves you!

  191. This comment is to say that Moe, the other kitty, loves you!

  192. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie! Thank you for asking people to vote for me yesterday – that was so nice of you.

  193. And this one is from me, Oskar, I loves you Mayzie and your wonderful family!

  194. Happy Blogaversary dere Mayzie. When yer bogaversary is over can you send da Puddles to my house wif some cheetos?


  195. We almost left out your link in our blog post. We don’t want google to accuse us of comment s..m since there are 8 of us furries here, so we kitties are leaving a comment.

    Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty

  196. Happy Day to you Mayzie.


  197. dearest mayzie,

    a hearty congratulations to you as you celebrate your first blogoversary! quite an excellent milestone if i do say so myself.
    you and your mom define generosity at its core. thank you kindly for sponsoring this event and for your donations to our homeless brothers and sisters in need.


  198. And we woofies will leave one too. Good luck with getting lots and lots of comments.

    Buddy, Merci & Sam

  199. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie!! we LoVe your operators waiting for our calls. Cute.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD & Hootie

  200. Oops, forgot to wish you a Happy Blogoversary!


  201. Wyatt

    I love you Mayzie, this is a great idea!!


  202. Happy blogaversary Mayzie. May you have many more!

    Mommy to the NutJob SharPei Bobo and Meja

  203. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie and Ranger and kitteh cats and Mayzie’s mom!

    -Remi the Great Dane
    I’m the one who lives at Dog Foster Mom’s house. You know, the one that she never lets post anything? The one who is always told to get off the bed because I’m too big (like it’s my fault)? The one who has to put up with Ziggy? Oh yes, now you remember!

  204. Wyatt

    I love you too! Happy 1st Blogoversary!!


  205. hello sweet mayzie!

    this is booker and asa’s mama. i’m sending you big hugs and lots of congratulations on your first blogoversary! what a party you’ve got going on here! it’s nice to see that your friend puddles brought some cheetos to share. 🙂

    noelle — booker and asa’s mama

  206. Wyatt

    Go Mayzie Go!!

    Sue and Paul
    (Wyatt and Stanzies folks)

  207. Hi Mayzie, and Happy Blogiversary! I hope you get to eat that yummy looking cake! You deserve it. Or maybe your mom will give you cheese instead!


  208. Happy Blogiversary! Wishing you many more to come.

  209. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 12 year old Red Golden Retriever. I’m a rescue dog saved by Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and living in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Home J. (all the way)

  210. I generally don’t comment on blogs, but this is a special occasion that I found worth my time. Congratulations to Abby and the pirate cat Cap’n Ripley on a most successful year of blogging. Oh yes, and also to you Mayzie!


  211. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 10 year old Golden Retriever. I’m a Canine Good Citzen and I live in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Jubal

  212. daisydog

    Cool idea Mayzie, we hoope you get to 400 comments!! Love, Daisy the Pink Pit Bull

  213. daisydog

    Hi Mayzie! Happy Blogaversary! Rascally Roscoe (who lives with Daisy)

  214. daisydog

    hi mayzie, it’s mouse the very tiny chiwawa who was rescued and now lives with daisy and roscoe and 2 cats and a fish! happy blogaversary!

  215. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 9 year old Golden Retriever. I like the snow and making snow angels. I live in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon. I am named after the Confederate Army General J.E.B. Stuart; my brother Jubal is named after the Confederate Army General Jubal Early
    – J.E.B.

  216. daisydog


  217. daisydog

    purr purrr… its TWEET the kitteh who lives with all those dogs and Milk the kitteh. Happy Blogaversary!

  218. Hi Mayzie! Congrats on your first Blog-o-versiary! What a great way to celebrate. Kudos to ya!

  219. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 8 year old Red Golden Retriever. I’m a rescue dog saved by Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and living in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I weighed over 145 lbs when I was adopted but now I weigh a bit less than 72 lbs. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Sophie (a.k.a. Sopf-a Doff)

  220. edgar

    happy blogiversary mayzie!!! what a wonderful way to celebrate!

    edgar & his mum

  221. daisydog

    glup glup glup….Hi Mayzie! ..glup glup… its MATT the fish…. glup glup … I live with Daisy the pink Pit bull …glup glup glup….

  222. We came from Jan’s Funny Farm to wish you a happy blogovesary and say we hope you raise your maximum of greenpapers!

    Have a fabulous day!

  223. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 8 year old Golden Retriever. I’m a very high energy girl. I live in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Shelby Belle (a.k.a. The Puppy from Hell)

  224. rocky

    w00fs, Happy Blogaversary to uuuuu…have many many more…

    b safe,

  225. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 7 year old Golden Retriever. I’m a rescue dog saved by after living in 5 different homes during my 1st 6 months. I live in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Jack

  226. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 4 year old Yellow Lab (mostly) and Golden Retriever mix. I’m a rescue dog saved by Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and living in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Abby (Dabby-Doo)

  227. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 3 year old Red Golden Retriever. I’m a rescue dog saved by Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and living in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I was born blind and without a tail, then I came down with The Parvo Virus and almost croaked. I had some seizures when i was little but seem to have out grown them. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Radar

  228. Max

    Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 3 year old Newfoundland Landseer that initially thought he was a Golden retriever puppy. I live in Bumpass, VA with my sister Shiloh and a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Max

  229. I’m a 3 year old Newfoundland Landseer that was rescued and brought to be reunited with my litermate brother Max. I live in Bumpass, VA with Max and a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Shiloh

  230. I’m a 2 year old Golden Retriever / Chow (my tongue is black) mix. I was rescued after being hit by a car in North Carolina. The Lenoir County SPCA had me treated and after my recovery I was being transferred to Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary when I was adopted. I live in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Patti (Whackit)

  231. Happy blogoversary! I can’t remember what Blogland was like without your positive attitude and optimistic outlook. Can’t wait to read more!

  232. louisebear2

    Rescued Pitbull mixes Brownie and Bud wish you a Happy Blogiversary!

  233. I’m a 9 year old ginger Maine Coon Cat that initially thought he was a Golden Retriever puppy. I live in Bumpass, VA with my brothe Alex and a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Boru (a.k.a. Brian Boru Beau-Maine, Brusser, Boogers Boru)

  234. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 9 year old silver Maine Coon Cat that was adopted along with my brother, Brian Boru- Beau-Maine. I live in Bumpass, VA, with Boru and a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Alex ( Alex P. Kitten, Big Al, Al E. Katt)

  235. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 8 year oldtortie American Ragamuffin cat that was save by a feline rescue lady and then adopted. I live in Bumpass, VA, with a lot of other dogs and cats. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Jenny (Jen-Jen)

  236. Donna Anderson

    Hi, LOVE LOVE pictures Java and Donna

  237. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 1 year old Bombay Cat that was rescued from a rural shelter while I was at a vet tech college being spaded and getting my shots. My mom was a vet tech student and she took me home. I moved right in and took command of the situation. I am a very brazen cat and my dad calls me sqeak (the noise I make instead of meow) and NAFOD, which stands dfor No Apparent Fear Of Death.. I live in Bumpass, VA, with eleven dogs and four of us cats. We are known collectively as The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties. Our blog address is http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com so why not spot by and pay us a visit. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Gracie (Crazie Gracie, Squeak, NAFOD)

  238. Hey Mayzie,
    I’m a 2 year old Chow (black tongue) / Golden Retriever. I’m a rescue dog saved by Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and living in Bumpass, VA with a lot of other dogs and cats. I was severely injured when I was hit by a car roaming the rural roads of North Carolina. Some nice people took me to the Lenoir County SPCA and they paid for surghery to fix me.After I receovered I was being transported to Almost Heaven when I was adopted. I am happy to make an entry in the commenthon.
    – Patti

  239. Sarge

    Hey Mayzie!
    Wow, what a great day for you! Congrats on the 1 year. You’re right…blogging is the mostest fun ever and everyone in doggie bloggie land is super wonderful. I’ll comment tomorrow…what a fun idea. Enjoy your special day!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  240. Chrissy

    Happy Blogoversary!

  241. itsmebuddy

    Hi! Bunny sent us over to say Happy Blogoversary!
    Do you get some cake? I luv cake! Oh! let’s face it, if it’s food I luv it!

  242. Hi, Mayzie! We saw the post on PBU about your commentathon and your 1 year of blogging. We wanted to stop by to say congrats and to support the donation to your rescue foundation!

  243. Congrats on blogging for 1 whole year. That is a major accomplishment.
    Love Noodles

  244. PawBlast

    Happy Blogaversary!

  245. Hip, Hip Hooray! Happy Blogoversary!

  246. What a great way to celebrate your 1st blogaversary!
    Much puggum luv,
    George Pooh Bear

  247. Happy Blogaversary! It’s an extra special day because it’s also my mom’s birthday!!

  248. Gracie Lynn Slimmer to wish Ms. Mayzie a Happy 1st blogaversary!
    Much pug luv,
    Gracie Lynn

  249. Happy Blogaversary from your friend Lollie Wonderdog too! I will do many celebratory headstands in your honor today!!

    Lollie the foster Wonderdog

  250. Happy 1st blogaversary! This event was posted at all our furiends bloggies.
    Much pug luv,
    Toby Moses Man

  251. Happy blogaversary Mayzie, here to help empty Mom’s wallet. hehe!

  252. Mayzie, Happy Blogoversary!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!!! Lots of love! Debbie

  253. Happy 1st bloggy-versary! I hope you get to have some of that cake!
    Much pug luv,
    Lily Jayne’ums

  254. Mim-ers here to say to have a Happy blogaversary day! We will get mama to start following your bloggy for sures!
    Much pug luv,
    Mimi Roo

  255. Tank's Asst.

    Wow! Where are all these dogs and kitties coming from??!!! Best wishes on your first blogoversary Mayzie. Hope you have many more!

    Tank’s Asst.

    PeeS… Tank is worried that Puddles will swipe your mom’s donation $ and go buy beer. Please keep an eye on her.

  256. Happy special day from me too! Mom doesn’t write about me because she’s afraid I’d steal all the cute thunder from my foster sister Lollie who needs a home, but I am a big Mazie fan too!

    Downward dogs galore,
    Chick Extraordinaire

  257. Hi Mayzie! I heard that today was your first Blogoversary! I sure hope you are having lots of fun and getting to eat cake!! Love, Holly

  258. Lilly

    I just found out from my mom that you are having a funfilled day! Happy Blogoversary…..have a wonderful time today! Love, Lilly

  259. Kristine

    Wowzers!! 230 comments, that is fantastic. Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for celebrating it with all of us in such a special way. We love you all too. 🙂

  260. Hi Mayzie…this is a wonderful thing your Mom is doing to celebrate your blogaversary.


  261. Richard K. Dagger

    Dear Mayzie and Family:
    I hope you have a great blogaversity, whatever that is. I just do what I am told.



    Thanks to Mayzie’s Mom for helping the furries!

  263. Congratulations on this milestone! We wish you 50 more years of sharing your stories and adventures with us! Thanks for adding your unique voice and caring heart to our wonderful community. We would be less without you!

  264. braveones

    Happpy Blogoversary Mayzie!! My sister and brother had to wake up so I could get my comment in before it is too late!! I hope you have a wonderful funfiled and happy happy day! Eat lots of cake and treats!! Love, Angel

  265. Congratulations Mayziegal! You are doing a wonderful thing with this comment-a-thon. I hope you get LOTS of comments!

  266. Thanks for helping our needy and homeless brothers and sisters on your special day! We are so happy that you reached this milestone and cannot wait to see what wonderful things your future holds. Congratulations!

  267. Angel

    Hope you are having a great day Mayzie!! Happy Blogovsary today!! Lots of love, Angel kitty

  268. Dos Diablas

    Mayzie! Mommy lets us on to read your blog everyday! Happy 1 year! We never comment but thats because mommy wont let us type anymore..you order one ton of cheetos and you are banned from typing! geez! We are glad you are here and that you have Miss Puddles to help!

    Ellie and Daphne

  269. I am so excited that I get to participate in my first comment-a-thon! Congratulations Mayziegal, one year is a very long time. I look forward to getting to know you better. Here are wishes for many more blog posts AND success with this lovely event.

  270. Chaucer

    Hi Mayzie.

    You are doing a good thing. I like good things. Like cheese treats. And tummy rubs. And get-the-ball-when-it-goes-in-the-water. So I like you! And I would even let you chew on my second favorite stuffed animal. The one with no squeaker.


  271. Nicole

    Happy blogg-o-birthday, Mayzie! I adopted a rescue dog almost a year ago and he has made my life so much more complete. Lately he’s being trying to type on the computer when I’m working, so maybe someday he’ll be a blogger like you.

    Wishing you all the best! 🙂

  272. hey Mayzie!

    So happy to meet you, and on this very special day for you! Happy 1st Blogiversary!! Congratulations on achieving such a great accomplishment!

    I sniffed my way over from Khyra’s Khorner and I am glad I did. You are such a beautiful pup, and you have a heartwarming rescue story. Here is wishing you many many many more years of blogging!

    And my paws are crossed that you meet your goal of 400 comments! Good luck and enjoy your 1st Blogiversary party! Your cake looks very yummy!


  273. Congratulations on your first blogoversary, Miss Mayzie! Thank you and your mom for doing this great commentathon! I am going to have all members of my family comment too!

    Congratulatory Luvs,


  274. Hello, Lovely Miss Mayzie! My heartiest congratulations on your big blogoversary, and thanks for your blog and all you do! I hope you get to eat that tasty-looking blogoversary cake!

    Luvs and happy nose boops,


  275. Happy Happy Blogoversary.
    This is a very special day and donation to those pups waiting for a home at
    Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation.
    Save me some cake.
    Love Ruby

  276. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie
    You are a very special girl, who found a wonderful family.
    Love Penny
    Pees – save me some cake too!!

  277. Happy Happy Blogoversary Mayzie
    What a special day and special donation to the animals at Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation.
    Save me some cake.
    Love Ruby
    Pees – I think my first comment was lost in cyberspace so am writing another.

  278. Happy blogoversary, Mayzie! Wishing you another fun year of adventures and very wonderful things for you and your family. Cheers to all the rescue and shelter animals that you will be helping with your kind donation. 🙂

  279. Miss Mayzie, we all enjoy reading your blog and are so impressed by all the wonderful things you do to help others. Congratulations on your blogoversary, and we wish you many more years of happy blogging!

    (Jackie and Dillon’s mom)

  280. Hello Mayzie, it’s nice to meet you,
    Jackie told me about your special day and your commentathon and she sent me over to say Congratulations. We look forward to what you will say in the next year and years to come!

    Happy Blogoversary!

    (Jackie and Dillon’s dad)

  281. Teddy Bear

    Happy Blogiversary, Mayzie!!! We hope you’re having a pawesome day.:)

    Teddy Bear

  282. ann

    We read about you over at Booker’s blog and came to wish you a happy one year blogoversary. What a cool way to celebrate.

  283. Happy blogiversary, Mayzie! When do you get to dig into your cake?!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  284. The OP Pack

    OMD, we can’t believe you are up to 288!!!! Way to go, Mayzie. We will make this one be from all the little bipeds here and Gypsy:)

  285. Sammie, Avalon, Ozzie and Mom

    Happy happy 1st Blogaversary Mayzie! What a milestone, girl! What a generous way to celebrate this day! Hope you get to have your cake momentarily!
    Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

  286. Remington

    Happy, Happy day, my friend! ENJOY!

  287. Amanda & Luna

    Happy blogoversary, Mayzie! We don’t have our own blog, but we love reading yours! Luna is also a pup that came from a tough situation and is scared of most things, but you are an inspiration for her!

  288. Hey Mayzie,
    TBH&K’s dad here to wish you a very happy 1st blogaversary. This is a GReat thing that you and your mom are undertaking (does that make you both undertakers?). Each of the pack members here has already sent you a greeting so I thought I’d chime in with one also. That sure is a GR-EAT cake that you’ll probably be enjoying this evening. You sure have gotten GReat participation from the blogging community.
    – TBH&K Dad

  289. Congratulations on your first Blogaversary!!! That cake looks REALLY good…

  290. Daisy

    291 Comments before we even get there! WOW! Happy Blogaversary, Mayzie. We are sooooooo happy we met your beautiful brindle self through blogging. You have a fabulous day. Now, cut that cake and let us have a piece……..please!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  291. Tiny

    Happy blogaversary, Mayzie!

  292. Max, Milo, & Mr. Bean

    Happy blog-day, Mayzie! We love reading your blog. Hope you have fun celebrating today 😀

  293. Tammy Kauffman

    Wow that’s really a nice thing you are doing. We got our dog at an animal shelter in Faribanks, Alaska.

  294. Kia

    Hi Mayzie! Congratulations on your blogger anniversary. I’m a rescue too! From the back end of Brooklyn and I wanted to thank you for helping out all those other dogs, cats and critters looking for their forever homes.

  295. Miss Kylie

    We’re Here!! We’re Here?! Did we miss all the good snacks?? I TOLD mommy to hurry up and get here sooner!! Congratulations Mayzie we sure do love your bloggie oodles and bunches (so much that we sneak ahead in our googlie reader just to see what you had to say!!) 🙂 Well I am a DIVA so I got to comment first, but Jimmy is biting at my paws because he wants a turn too! So Bye for now and don’t party too hard!

  296. Miss Kylie

    HIIIII Mayzie!!! Congratulation on your blogging for over a year!! A year sure sounds like a looong time! I wonder if I will get to blog for a YEAR?! Maybe if my big sister would stop hogging the compudder!! Well, You rock and so does Second Chance!! If we wins, we will probably give the moneys to the rescue that me and my sister came from!!

    Puppy Kisses,
    (AKA: Kylie’s little brother)

  297. Mr. Corbin speaks ever so highly of you, Ms. Mayzie! I’m so glad that I’m able to join in your wonderful celebration! Hopefully, some day soon, I will be just as lucky as you and in a wonderful furever home! You’re an idol to all dogs in rescue!
    -Ms. Fancy

  298. Happy Blogoversary! We heard from Sagira that you were having a commentathon so we came to add ours.

  299. Shady

    WOW there are a LOT of comments here! Happy Blogoversary Mayzie!!!! Great job on this commentathon and contest.


  300. Holey Moley! We’ve never sen so many comments on one posting! A true marathon! This is furry khool of your mom, we’re glad to add a comment to the cause!

    jack & moo

  301. Neither I nor my RT Tess has ever visited your site before but we read a
    number of dog blogs. In looking around we both voted to put you on our list.
    I hope you write frequently because that’s one of the tests for our list.

    Congratulations on a year and may there be many more!
    Donna and Tess

  302. (Hmmm, thought we left a comment, but it disappeared! So here’s another:
    Congrats on your blogaversary! Isn’t blogging fun?
    I just had my first blogaversayr too, cause it was my first gotchaday!

    Miss Moo

  303. Happy Blogaversary!!!!! Puddles and Khyra sent us over. It’s a very nice thing you are doing for 2 rescues!!!

  304. jeane

    what a great way to spend your special day:) hope you raise lots of quarters:)

  305. Bella

    Hi Mayzie!
    We enjoy your blog every morning, although the feline pack members object to the servant lollygagging around instead of serving breakfast immediately. You (and your Mom) must be very clever to write such an fun and informative blog. Thank you for bringing us pleasure every day.
    Happy Blogoversary!

  306. Mayzie, you & your momma are amazing!

    Middy Sue

  307. Wowser! Look at all of these comments! Great idea 🙂

    Pauley James

  308. Kitty and Coco

    Happy Blogiversary to my new furiend and look alike!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so not an exact look alike, but definitely a first cousin look-alike. Love the idea for the commentathon. Yay for dog rescues!

    Kitty and Coco

  309. hey you’re like super popular. i’ve only had like 87,342 bloggers tell me to come and post a comment here. and you’re kinda cute too! now i know why you’re so puopular!

    happy bloggerversary! from Loki, Juno and Wild Dingo

  310. Greetings Miss Mayzie,
    It is Albert here to wish you a wonderful Blogoversary! Yes, I know I have gotten the short end of the blogging but, I have an improtant job…to keep the couch from being cold.
    What a terrific thing you and your mom are doing to help those in need. What angels you are.

    PS: Watch my sister PLEASE!

  311. WOW….that is a lot of comments so far. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie, I hope it is a great one for you. 🙂

  312. Wishing you a very happy Blogaversary.. I hope you have a brilliant day.. Hugs GJ xx

  313. KB

    Happy Blogiversary, Mayzie! We are very glad that you started your blog so that we could get to know you. Love, KB (the “human”)

  314. KB

    Happy Blogiversary, Mayzie! We are very glad that you started your blog so that we could get to know you. Love, K (the chocolate Labrador)

  315. KB

    Happy Blogiversary, Mayzie! We are very glad that you started your blog so that we could get to know you. Love, R (the flying black Labrador)

  316. kat

    Happy Blogging B-Day Mayzie! This is a great way to celebrate, thanks for sharing with us and teaching people about how to help other animals.
    And thanks for letting us help you celebrate today. Keep up the great work, love, kat and trixie

  317. TK

    Holy-tamoly! That’s a lot of love for your comment-a-thon! (We came over from Madi’s to concatulate you!)
    Concatulashuns on your 1st year!

  318. Wow! Mayzie, this is quit the commentathon.

    Happy Blogaversary to you and many more to come.

    Genghis Khat

  319. Oh, I made it! The internet thing is not all fixed, but it’s working right now. You were one of the very first doggies I met when I started blogging and I am so glad we met. You are just the best in the world! We love seeing what you and your whole family is up to and reading your takes on life, which are so full of wisdom. Whew! I better stop now before Mr. Modem starts doing the bad blinky thing again. I just wanted you to know that I’m so glad that your here in Blogville.

  320. Congrats on the Blogaversary. You’re doing a great job and like reading.

  321. Hi Mayzie. Lola said we should do separate comments for this and it’s my first time. I hope I don’t screw this up. I just wanted to say Happy Blogaversary and tell you that you are sure a beautiful lady dog. Booker sure is a lucky dog is all I can woof. It’s very generous of your mom to give green papers to your rescue to celebrate your one year of blogging. You are all just super – y ou and your whole family.

  322. Miss Mayzie! I almost missed this! Can you believe it? But here is my comment for your wonderful blogaversary.


  323. Hiya Miss Mayzie,
    I’m in Australia and it’s already the 28th here, but I think I’m still in time for leaving my comment!?! I wanted to say congrats on achieving your blogaversary and that you are a top doggie. All the best to you and your kind humans! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  324. Hi Miss Mayzie,
    We hope we are in time too! We are the wonderful schnauzer cousins who share Rubie’s bloggie – so our comment would count too?? Hope so. Happy Blogaversary – get stuck into that cake – boy we are jealous! See ya, Scarlet and Zoe.

  325. We wanted to come by & paw our names to your cause & say congrats on the bloggin’!!

    RA & Isis

  326. Yipee! Your doing a grrrrreat job for the rescue animals via your bloggie. Can’t believe I am number 331!!!!!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo

  327. Congrats on your blogoversary. Ours is coming up in just a few weeks too. Grrreat work donating green papers to rescue via this commentathon!

    Wags and Licks,

  328. Oh boy I love a commentathon….This is my first ever!

    Happy Blogoversary!

    Wags and Licks,
    Uncle Puppy

  329. Deewest Mayzie
    I’m so sowwy that I’m late , but I wanted to come wish you the happiest Bloggovewsawy evew!!!! Meeting you has been a weal highlight of my blogging days and i hope we can stay fwiends fuwwevew!!!!
    i love you
    smoochie kisses (I’m toasting you wif my Pwo secco wight now!)
    smoochie kisses

  330. Happy Blogoversary to you and your commentathon is wonderful!!!

  331. Dear Mayziegal
    My sweet furrdaughter Asta has been happier by far since she met you and gets to see your smiling face
    love and scritchies

  332. A furry purry happy first blogoversary Mayzie!
    Puddles told us about your commentathon as well as Jan over at Jan’s Funny Farm!

    Abby(the manx)

  333. Mayziegal

    I personally want to thank you for helping me celebrate my good helth news.
    You are one beautiful and caring girl
    Hugs and tummy rubs

  334. Dear Mayzie
    I am Myrna , Asta’s wheelie sissie and my wheelie children and I would like to help you celebrate this auspicious occasion.
    We are proud to know a girl with such a BIG heart
    wheelie smoochie
    Myrna, And kids

  335. OMGoodness! over 300 comments! BOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!
    Well, Happy Blogiverary…I LOVE your cake! That is pretty cool!
    Have a very happy day!

  336. My sissy (da monster) was here early dis morning butt I was OCCUPIED at da time so I’s here now. Jus’ wishin’ you a wonderfuls blogoversary. I’s off to get my birfday cake now!

    Max (DaOdderWeenie)

  337. Hi Mayzie,
    Stopping by from Oskar’s blog! Happy 1st blogoversary! Mom and me love your commentathon and how you are going to donate to your favorite shelter! Very cool!


  338. Happy Blogoversary. I think this is a wonderful thing to have a commentathon… HOpe you make it to 400…..and beyond. This one is from me Max…

    pawhugs, Max

  339. This comment if from the new kitties… Bugsy and Knuckles. They want to wish you a Happy Blogoversary too.

    loves ya, Bugsy and Knuckles

  340. And this comment if from Lou (or HH… our food human… HH is short for Her Highness… my term of endearment for her) She wants to wish you a Happy Blogoversary too… Have a wonderful celebration.

    Congrats… Lou

  341. Happy Blogoversary Mayzie! This is the FiveSibesMom here! I saw your announcement on Teddy and Sagira’s blogs and had to stop over to wish you a very happy day!

  342. Happy Blogiversary!! Woot Woot!!
    This is awesome of you to donate – what a way to celebrate!

  343. Gibson here from the FiveSibes to wish you a “pawsome” day!

  344. Harley of the FiveSibes stopping by to wish you a wooo-nderful day!

  345. Kim (secretary/mom) here – we’ve got a few to help with your numbers! Happy Blogiversary!

  346. Happy Blog-o-versary!!! Wolf of the FiveSibes pack here sending lots of woos and wishes your way!

  347. Happy Blogiversary from Chester! Woof Woof!

  348. Woooo! Have a great day! I’m Bandit of the FiveSibes family!

  349. Lookin’ forward to another year! Chandler

  350. Have a great day and wishes for a great year from me, Chloe, of the FiveSibes!

  351. Meoooowww…it’s me, Smokie, the honorary Husky cat from the FiveSibes hoping you are having a purrrrfect day!

  352. Hope you’re having a great day celebrating! Rascal

  353. Dude, this is awesome! Smooches, Bo

  354. Happy Blogiversary! Ken (two-legger!)

  355. Are we helping with the numbers yet? 😉 Becky

  356. Happy Day, Mayzie! Love ya, Mike

  357. We’re fosters, so technically not family…but we are at the moment, and certainly want to wish you Happy Blogiversary! Candy and Gumdrop

  358. Hi Mayzie! Oskar sent me over to wish you a Happy 1st Bloggoversary! Here’s to many more! purrs

  359. Heard about your anniversary via FB and had to stop by one of my favorite blogs. Thanks for being a good furiend and for raising the bar in animal blogging.


  360. WeezerCat

    Happy Blogiversary and I hope this comment helps. All of us here, dog, cat & human, wish you the best!

  361. Lorenza

    Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie!
    I am very happy to be your friend!
    Kisses and hugs

  362. Veronica

    Happy 1st Blogoversary, Mayzie!
    Veronica (Lorenza’s mom)

  363. Grandma

    Lorenza told me it is your blogoversary!

  364. Grandpa

    And I am the Grandpa!
    Happy Blogoversary, Mayzie!

  365. rocky

    hey hey hey, this b Jodee, me is widdle….but me wishes u a happy blog versary….

    bad girl kissies,

  366. rocky

    yooooo, u a prudy girl…i am the bestest one of the pack…rocky and jodee are kids….hope u have many many more bloggieversaries..

    the “bear”

  367. rocky

    Hi, now all my “brats” have wished u a happy bloggieversary, i will too..hope u got a lot of comments for your shelter..

    the Mama,

  368. OMD! Better late than never, we’re here! Commenting as #373 I believe! Woohoo! This is the most successful commentathon we’ve ever seen. Wait a minute… It;s the ONLY commentathon we’ve ever seen BOL! Be that as it may, what a fantastic idea you had, Mayzie! There are gonna be some happy rescue doggies out there!!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  369. Why does Brutus always get to go first? Carmen here, doing my part to help out with the commentathon! Kudos to you!

    Carmen the Frenchie

  370. Ok – the Frenchies woke me up from my deep slumber – they said this was important. I guess even the old, blogless dog around here can lend a paw to help a good cause!

    Mason (the seldom-seen Labradude tribal elder of Brutus’ pack)

  371. Pillsbury

    Hi Mayzie,
    My mommy and I have been reading your blog for quite a while now, and though I have never commented before, I felt I must comment today on such a momentous occasion.
    I am a rescued pit mix who lives with my Mommy and Daddy and a rescue cat brother.
    You are most beautiful and your heart is huge! Thank you for everything that you and your family do to try to make the world a better place for all of us animals.
    Happy blogoversary! I don’t have a bloggie, but I do have a page on Dogster (Does that count?).
    Love you lots,

  372. Hi Mayzie, Winnie sent me!
    Nice blog you have here, and I am glad your life is wonderful and filled with love!

    – Curator, from The Pet Museum

  373. Mayzie, Sam and Pippen’s mom here… I see the boys left their comments earlier while I was at work! I’m so glad that I got home in time to participate in such a worthwhile event. You are such a wonderful girl!

    The Hobbit’s mom…

  374. Pillsbury's Mom

    Hi Mayzie,
    I look forward every morning to reading about your latest adventures.
    Thanks so much to you and your Mom for caring so much about others.
    Happy 1st blogoversary, sweetie.
    Pillsbury’s Mom

  375. Love your bloggy… happy 1st barkday x

  376. Pillsbury's Dad

    Hi Mayzie,
    Congratulations on such a successful year!
    Keep up the good work.
    Pillsbury’s Dad

  377. Pillsbury's Brother Siggy

    Hi Mayzie,
    My brother has awakened me from a nap and said I must come and wish you well.
    Happy blogoversary!
    Please give my regards to the Captain!
    Siggy the Cat

  378. Khyra

    The Doggy Nanny and Fred said HI and congrats from NC!
    They are on their way to FL!

  379. Dear Mayzie –

    Do woo want us to see if your mom can get a shift or two at our pawrents’ Subway?


    Khousins Merdie and Harley

  380. kristina & Kovack

    we were visiting frankly bloggy happy blogyversarie we hope you reach your goal of green papers =0)

    hugs and lickies

    Kovack (the golden) and kris (kovack’s momma)

  381. Hi Mayzie!! Happy Blogoversary!! What a cool way to celebrate!!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  382. What a terrific idea! Happy Blogaversary!

  383. Susie - George's Mom

    I just love your blog. Congratulations on your first year.

    Susie – George, Blanca, Sable and Blue Boy’s Mom

  384. LOL, you sure have a lot of friends, Mayzie! Luckily your Mom put a cap on it, or not she’d be broke.

    Happy Blogoversary!


  385. Congratulations on your blogiversary!
    Very nice to meet you, too… we’re friends of Sagira’s.
    ~June & her Ma

  386. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  387. Jen

    Happy Blogiversay Mayzie from Sherman Leroy!!!

  388. Congratulations on your bloggy anniversary. WOW – look at all the comments you have. That’s great.

  389. Summit the Super Mal

    Woo there Mayzie!!
    Congratulations on your blogiversay! I’m pawing my sibe-lings to send their notes to take woo to 400. Way to go!!
    Summit the Super Mal

  390. Denali

    Happy Blogiversary, Mayzie!!
    Summit woo’d me to paw off a note so woo can get to your goal. How fun and such a neat thing to do. I’m off to get Kiana..
    Denali in Iowa

  391. Kiana

    Sleepy woo’s to you Mayzie. Denali just nuzzled me up to the puter to paw off a note for your blogiversary. I’m gonna stretch and golook for Echo so she can visit. Great idea. Good Luck.
    Kiana in Iowa

  392. Echo

    WaHoo…all the other pups are running around all excited about green papers for puppers so they asked me to join the fun. Congrats on your blogiversary. Well done.
    Echo in Iowa

  393. Ok – mom Beaglebratz needs to add her bit here. Congratulations to you Mayzie and your mom – hope there are many more years to come.

  394. Kaynh

    Hi Mayzie. Woo sure are a pretty pup!! Mom says I’m such a “schmoozer” but I don’t know what that means. I’m glad woo are having a blogiversary party. Would you like to dance?
    Kaynh in Iowa

  395. Ruby

    Hi MaYzIE~
    I’m ThE bAbY bUt I LiKE tO pAwRaCtICe mY tYPiNG tOo! GlAd WoO mAdE YoUr GoAl.
    RuBy BLuE iN IoWa

  396. The Iowa Crew's Mom

    Congratulations Mayzie on your blogiversary and reaching your goal. Khyra sent all of over. What a special way to celebrate the day.
    The “Mom” of The Iowa Crew….and Summit the Super Mal

  397. Hi Mayzie,
    CONGRATULATIONS on your terrific Milestone 🙂
    For some reason we just couldn’t post a comment earlier, our net was just too slow. And this has to happen just when u actually need to post one.
    Anyways, we are glad to see so so many furiends have already made it here and your mum’s purse must be empty by now.
    If u need us to send u some treats ,please woof, Okies? ** wink***
    wags, Ginger, buddy n shadow

  398. Oh!Thank Dogness. It got posted!
    Hey Mayzie. we would like u to know that we are glad we found u and we are friends. Hope u will continue writing many many many more lovely posts:)

  399. On behalf of myself and the two Bows, we wish you a happy blogoversary.

  400. Congratulations for your first blogaversary, I love you !

  401. Well done on reaching your goal Mayzie, it looks like you are going to break a record for the number of comment on a dog blog !

  402. I was afraid we missed the deadline but with the time difference with Australia we are still in time !
    Pascal (Bella and Ollie’s Dad)

  403. This won’t count because we’ve already commented, but we just had to check back…. FOUR HUNDRED & SEVEN comments! WOW! Is that a Blogville record? Good thing your mom put a ceiling on her commitment, or you and Brudder Ranger would be eating scraps for the next month at least.

    Jed & Abby

  404. Well done for the Second Chance Animal Rescue Foundation !
    Isabella (Bella and Ollie’s Mum)

  405. tweedles

    Happy Blogversay to you and many more!

  406. Congratulations, we look forward to another year with you !
    Amelie (Bella and Ollie’s sister)

  407. You’re such a sweet friend Mayzie
    Anais (Bella and Ollie’s sister)

  408. Only one more hour, we’re so glad to have been able to participate.
    Matthew(Bella and Ollie’s brother)

  409. tweedles


  410. Hey, they almost forgot me, I’m Charlie the handsome cockatiel in Bella and Ollie’s family !

  411. Wow! What a great looking cake!!! You have lots of comments over here!!!
    xoxox Chloe the BichonFrise

  412. Hi there Mayzie…I am LadyBug…Chloe’s sister (above) and we wanted to wish you a very Happy Blogoversary!!! xoxo LadyBug the Bichon Frise

  413. Oh Miss Mayzie!
    I feel ever so terrible that I missed your most special day! Can you ever forgive me?! I am so happy to see all the thousands and thousands of comments that you got! Gosh but we sure do love your little brindle self.

    Happy Blogiversary Mayzie – xoxo HoneyBuzz

  414. Happy Blogiversary Mayzie!!! Hope the time is still alright!

  415. Happy Blogiversary Miss Mayzie!
    I am behind in all things this winter but did not want to miss wishing you all the best. So happy to see you have reached your green paper goal. Since you have so many comments to chew thru we will all wish you much continued success in one comment.
    With love and hugs from all the furries in Wisconsin and Mom too

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