Shame on you, Wayne Pacelle

Johnny Justice - a survivor of the Bad Newz Kennels and therapy dog.

MayzieMom here. By now, you’ve probably all heard that Michael Vick wants another dog. He says he wants it for his (sniffle, sob) little girl and because he thinks it would help in his rehabilitation.

Right. And while we’re at it, let’s make sure everyone who is convicted of drug trafficking gets a meth lab in their kitchen. You know. To help with their rehabilitation.

But while we are all disgusted by Michael Vick’s words (and his reasoning), it’s really not surprising. He has a lot at stake and shining up his image means more dollars in the bank. Not to mention that he’s most likely a sociopath and sociopaths are really good at saying and doing the right things to make it seem like they’re fine, upstanding members of society.

Luckily, however, this will probably never happen because the dogs have a champion in their corner. Someone who will fight for them and ensure their safety. Mr. Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, issued this strong, unyielding statement in response to Mr. Vick’s desire to have another dog: “I have been around him a lot and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner,”

Um, wait. WHAT? Did I just end up in Backwardsland? You know, where people say one thing but actually mean the total opposite? Because what I’m SURE Mr. Pacelle MEANT to say was, “While I wholeheartedly support Mr. Vick’s efforts at rehabilitation, owning a pet is a privilege. And the Humane Society of the United States believes that Mr. Vick permanently gave up that privilege when he willingly chose to participate in the violent torture and killing of innocent dogs.”

In my opinion, Mr. Pacelle’s statement is FAR worse than anything Vick could say. He is supposed to be fighting for the DOGS. He is supposed to be standing up for those who can’t speak for themselves. He is NOT supposed to be enabling an animal abuser by helping Vick get another pet.

The HSUS and Mr. Pacelle have done numerous things in the past that have made me question their ethics (that’s for another post). But this takes the cake. I found his email address ( and sent him this email:

“Dear Mr. Pacelle,

I was shocked, saddened and outraged to hear your statement that Michael Vick should be allowed the possibility of owning another dog one day. While I am all for second chances, a human being who is capable of carrying out the vile and terrible acts that Mr Vick did should NEVER be allowed the privilege of owning another pet. Anyone who can look into the eyes of a dog and then slam them to the ground until they are dead is missing a basic element of human compassion. To say “that’s the way he was raised,” is an excuse. Plenty of people are raised in horrible conditions and yet do not inflict the terror and abuse upon others that Mr. Vick did.

In your position, you should be fighting for those who can not fight for themselves. Mr. Vick has plenty of lawyers and PR people to fight for him. You should be fighting for the animals that he tortured and ensuring that he never has even the slightest opportunity to inflict pain upon another animal as long as he lives. Unfortunately, it appears that you have been just as taken in by him as the rest of the fawning and adoring media. Yet another reason that I will never again donate another penny of my money to your organization.”

I hope you will also consider writing Mr. Pacelle (did I mention his email address is and voicing your opinion as well. Make sure he knows that you will not be supporting HSUS in any way until he retracts his statement and makes it clear that those who torture animals should not get the chance to do it again. We can’t do anything about Vick, but we CAN demand that those who are supposed to protect our pets actually do that.

(For a more in-depth and insightful take on Mr. Pacelle and the HSUS and the Vick situation, I highly recommend reading this post by the KC Dog Blog.)


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63 responses to “Shame on you, Wayne Pacelle

  1. I heard about Vick’s “desire” to own another dog. However, correct me if I am wrong…if he was convicted of dogfighting and/or animal cruelty…HOW is he not banned from owning dogs? I know some people are banned from ever owning dogs if they have these sort of convictions. I don’t understand this at all.
    Anyway, I am with you 100 and 10 %! I was very disappointed in the side the Humane Society has chosen. They are suppose to be FOR the animals and to be their voice!
    I saw a video on Ms. K’s blog where they were interviewing a woman from the Human Society and she basically said the same thing and I was completely apalled at what was coming out of her mouth.

    The truth is is that Michael Vick will always disgust me and no matter what comes out of his mouth it should not mean anything. I think I am just rambling now because this whole situation pisses me off…sorry.


    • I need to look into it further but I read something not long ago that leads me to believe that he can’t own one as long as he’s on probation. And of course, he won’t be on probation forever. Again, I need to see if I can find anything definitive on that.

    • Allison, he can get a dog in July 2012 when his probation is up.

  2. While I would never turn away from a worthy cause which helps and supports animals in need, I believe Mr. Pacelle should step down from his position as the head of the Humane Society of the U.S. What an irresponsible comment. While Michael Vick certainly might feel remorse and regret, and indeed he has done his time in jail and paid his fine, he must NOT EVER have another dog. Too bad, Michael Vick. If he truly cares, he could spend his free time, if he has any, volunteering at animal shelters to care for battered dogs. That would certainly “help” his “rehabilitation”.


  3. Wow! I just wrote a nasty email to Mr. Pacelle. I feel like a million+ volunteers and their organizations across the country have just been slapped in the face by him and the HSUS. People on my facebook are saying things like “what’s the big deal?” or “let him have a cat or a small dog!”. Oh sure so he can use them as bait as well? People just don’t get it- not even the “big cheese” at the HSUS. And yes, I asked Pacelle if he’d been the “big cheese” long enough to lose touch? Emotional much? It’s dogs like Mayzie and Calhoun that suffer b/c of issues like BSL, which is a fear reaction to the consequences of dog fighting. Damn right I AM emotional!

    Olivia- AKA Momma Heartbeat


  4. Thanks for sharing this – I e-mailed him!

  5. Just wow, I have lost alot of respect while reading this post for the Humane Society of America. Anyone that could hand a dog back into the hand of such a horrible person, is not very bright. ANd most certainly is not someone that should be fighting on behalf of abused and neglected animals. If Mr. Vick wants to rehabillitate himself around dogs, maybe he should sellout his dog fighting friends and do a little work rehabillitating the animals in their hands. If his daughter wants a dog in the future by all means but I hope Vick hasn’t taught her how to treat animals! I will be writing as well and posting on my facebook about this!

  6. Mayzie Mom,
    Well done of the letter!!!


    Hugs Madi and Mom

  7. Thank you for creating this post:

    Here is what I just send to mr pacelle:

    Dear Mr. Pacelle,

    I would first like to take the time to thank you for reading this email.

    I am going to start out by saying I am a Huge Supporter of Bully Breeds and any animal for that matter and I think that we as people are the ones that are responsible for protecting them, the ones who can’t protect themselves, or speak for themselves, the innocent.

    With that said, the reason for my email is simple. I am appalled at the disregard for the animals that you have as well as the drive to be in the Spotlight. I can not believe that someone who is CEO for the Humane Society for the United States is giving such disregard for the animals that are abused and tortured.

    In all Fairness I donā€™t know exactly what has transpired but from what the media reports I am not in support of what you are doing with Michael Vick. Now if you would please continue reading I would really appreciate it, I am trying to be a Voice for the Animals, at the same time I am sitting next to my beloved Rottweiler and could never imagine hurting himā€¦he is like another child to me.

    I am sickened by the actions that Michael Vick displayed with those precious animals, I think that anyone that could TORTURE AND KILL a living, breathing, loving, compassionate, trust worthy, loyal companion should NEVER and I MEAN NEVER be able to have the Privilege of being a Family member to an animal again.

    I would like to know how you can make a comment like the following “I have been around him a lot and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner”.

    I ask did you SEE what was done to those animals. Did you see the amount of torture they went through, do you LIVE everyday with the ones that made it out of there ALIVE??

    Have you done any Follow up with the rescues that SAVED those Pitt Bulls to see what they go through EVERYDAY? Scared to be alive, some with lasting scars and Brain Damage, Nerve Damage, Fear, the Shakes, Incontinence, Paralyzation and so much more that I could go on for days.

    Those Precious Animals were at the Mercy of Michael Vick and his fellow Tormentors who got a THRILL out of KILLING and FIGHTING these dogs that will do ANYTHING to please their ā€œownerā€. There was no Mercy shown to those animals, the females whose teeth were pulled and strapped in a device that would immobilize them making it easier for the males to breed with them, the Fear that those Dogs must have felt. The Pool that they were electrocuted in, with its scratch marksā€¦.I ask DID YOU SEE THIS?!!? If you did how can you EVER think that Michael Vick should be able to own ANY Animal?!?! I would have thought that the CEO of the Humane Society would have made a statement more like the following:

    ā€œWhile I wholeheartedly support Mr. Vickā€™s efforts at rehabilitation, owning a pet is a privilege. One that should not be taken lightly with that being said The Humane Society of the United States believes that Mr. Vick permanently gave up that privilege when he willingly chose to participate in the violent torture and killing of innocent dogs.ā€

    That is more like a statement that I would expect to hear from someone that is supposed to be ā€œWorking for the Animalsā€.

    How can you say “I have been around him a lot and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner”??? I am still VERY confused with this. Those animals SUFFERED DAILY at the Hand of Michael Vick and today the dogs that made it out STILL Bare the SCARS emotionally and physically from said TORMENT.

    How can you stand there with a straight face and support him. I am all for rehabilitation but let me ask you this:
    If a Child Molester, Child Abuser, Murder were “Reformed” do you think they should be able to have children??

    Do you think a Reformed Druggie should be able to have a Meth Lab in their home or Marijuana plants in their Garden??

    Do you think a Reformed Alcoholic should be able to be in a Bar??? As each person is an individual and differs, I canā€™t imagine that someone that TORTURED ANIMALS, KILLED ANIMALS WITH HIS BARE HANDS, WATCHED AS ANIMALS WERE KILLED AND MOST LIKELY LAUGHED ABOUT IT, should be able to EVER have another. I am so taken back by the lack of compassion that is being stated with regard to the animals that still suffer.
    I would like to respectfully request that you Resign as CEO for the Humane Society of The United States and let someone who FULLY understands what ā€œWorking for the Animalsā€ really means. I am sure you are financially set for the rest of your life as well as your family so please consider my request for you to relinquish your spot as CEO, if you are unable to complete that request, please tonight I ask you to call the rescues, the families, the public that is OUTRAGED by the Actions Michael Vick displayed and ask them their opinion. Please also spend a few days with the families that took in these Battered, Beaten, and Broken Dogs and ask them what their daily struggles are. I know they would all be willing to voice their concern as I have done in this email.

    Thank you again for your time today.

  8. I emailed Pacelle and wanted to share my letter,

    Mr. Pacelle,

    I am writing to you in regards to your statment on behalf of the Humane Society of the United States about Mr. Vick. Unlike Mr. Vick I am from Canada, Ontario actually and because of people like Mr. Vick ruining the bully breeds through dogfighting I have never had the chance to own such a loving animal. Yet you seem to disregard Mr. Vicks past when commenting that yes he should have another dog. Have you forgotten what the animals in his care went through? Have you forgotten the terror, abuse and neglect? Have you forgotten that he would have continued if he had not been caught? Have you forgotten that he had friends in the dogfighting world? These are friends that he could easily reunite with if he had reason to aka a new dog.

    Yes I do believe that Mr.Vick should have contact with dogs in his rehabillitation. I do not believe that they should be under his sole control. I do believe that his daughter should have a chance to own a dog and learn responsibility and love. I do not believe this is something her father could help her with.

    Perhaps Mr. Vick could continue his rehabillitation by getting the other abused and terrorized animals away from his friends and to work with the Humane Society to rehabillitate these and other like animals who need help. Infact this is why the Humane Society is here to help neglected and abused animals and to keep people who do such things away from them. The Humane Society is here to protect these animals, not put them back into the hands of someone who has proven capable of abuse and neglect.

    Please please reconsider your statement and find a new way for Mr. Vick to continue his rehabillitation by helping animals not owning them.

    Thank you, Erika

  9. kat

    I just posted somewhere how his behavior as typical of a sociopath, so obviously, i agree. He can’t have a dog while on probation, but you know there is a pit bull breeder out there who would sell him one for an exorbitant price as soon as they can. It’s so crazy that in a matter of days he can say he would still be fighting dogs if he hadn’t gotten caught, then think it’s okay to want a dog. His daughter? He and his friends used to use family pets in the neighborhood to practice the fighting dogs, as jokes, including his own family’s. Whose kids’ feelings was he worried about then?
    And this is typical of Wayne Pacelle. His whole history and his true nature came out in many public examples with the whole Oreo’s Law debacle. His statements and policies lead to poor Oreo being refused to rescues and then euthanized. Whenever someone wants to enact national legislation to prevent your behavior, you might want to look at changing your ways. His whole adoption of Vick, and traveling with him to events up and down the coast is an abomination. Always think more than twice about the actions of the HSUS while he is in charge, and give support locally.

  10. Bravo, MayzieMom! I get pretty emotional about the Vick situation and don’t understand how people can forget (and forgive) so quickly. Ugh. I wish they wouldn’t have let him back in the NFL. I wish with all my heart he is never allowed to own any kind of animal ever ever ever again.

    • amen, he used his own pet dog as a bait dog. read the book The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant… it tells the story. Vick was never convicted of animal cruelty. He got a plea bargain deal. As far as HSUS, eagles paid them $50,000. Wayne Pacelle and Vick should be locked up in a dog house together.

  11. I recieved an email back from Wayne Pacelle, not sure if anyone else did as well and if they are the same?


    Thanks for your e-mail. The original news report didnā€™t capture the complexity of HSUSā€™s position on the question about Vick and his two little girls having a pet. Hereā€™s the full expression of my views on my daily blog:

    You may know that no organization puts more resources into anti-dogfighting campaigns than HSUS. We have community-based programs to reach at-risk kids; we have tip-lines and rewards programs; we conduct undercover investigations; we have systematically upgraded all the laws against animal fighting in the nation, including the federal laws under which Vick was prosecuted; and we are involved in hundreds of busts of animal fighting criminals every year. We also work to place in safe homes the dogs seized from these enterprises. In addition to working with the dogs, we have a history of working with the dogfighters, to attempt to rehabilitate them and work with them so that they donā€™t turn back to these forms of criminal animal abuse.

    The question about Vickā€™s two little girls getting a dog two or three years down the road is an interesting one, and we agree it raises important questions about the capacity for rehabilitation for someone who did something so awful to animals. But, in relative terms, itā€™s a low-level animal welfare concern, given that it involves the modest prospect that one animal would be adopted from a shelter two or three years into the future and, if it did happen, it would be one of the most heavily scrutinized and watched instances of pet-keeping in American history. Our concerns at HSUS focus on millions of animals in crisis right now ā€“ animals languishing or suffering on puppy mills, in dogfighting rings, in crates or cages on factory farms, on canned hunting facilities, and in other settings. HSUS is taking the fight to these animal abusers every day, and achieving historic results, , just as we have by revamping the nationā€™s laws on animal fighting and doubling the number of arrests for these crimes since the original Vick case came to light..

    As you think about the important issues about Vickā€™s rehabilitation ā€“ and I know you are a serious skeptic about his capacity to change — please keep in mind the broader context in which we work at HSUS and our record of success, which is second to none.

    Please do let me know if you have further comments or thoughts.

    All best,

    Wayne Pacelle
    President & CEO

    • says that less than 1% of the money HSUS gets to help actual dogs, it goes to salaries, admin, and PR. Support your local no kill shelters, animal rescues (pit bulls) such as BadRap and Best Friends who took care of most of the dogs, and local spca’s.

      • HumaneWatch is a totally bogus organization sponsored by the big agriculture industry. Their sole mission is to take down HSUS because it is so effective in putting in place very basic protections for farm animals, such as allowing chickens to have enough space to stand up and turn around.

        The reason HSUS does not spend much of its budget on helping actual dogs is that it is not a shelter; it is a national-level policy organization whose mission is to (1) promote laws that are good for animals (they were behind the federal felony dog fighting law that took effect a few years ago); (2) bringing huge lawsuits against industries and groups that contribute to animal suffering– such as some of the most horrendous factory farms, puppy mills, etc; and (3) running big outreach campaigns such as the Shelter Pet Project (

        Your local shelter and SPCA is VERY important, but caring for animals alone will never solve any problems, just save individual lives. Without pro-animal laws, lawsuits that go after the bad guys, and big media campaigns to change people’s minds, problems like pet overpopulation, dog fighting, and other animal suffering will continue forever.

        follow our foster:

      • Thanks, Aleksandra, for a different take on this and for additional info on what the HSUS does. Perhaps I should not have linked to Humane Watch, since I don’t know much about them personally. Again, I absolutely do think the HSUS does some good things. However, I do still have a problem with them. For instance, I was stunned to receive an email from them (I used to donate to HSUS) asking for money in the name of a dog named Faye whose story I had been following closely. HSUS used her story to raise a lot of money but they had nothing to do with her care or rehabilitation. That bothered me a lot and made me question their ethics as a whole. I know they ended up donating *some* money to Faye’s care after there was an outcry, but certainly not the entire amount they raised from her story. And then this statement from Mr. Pacelle about Vick was really just the last straw for me. And really, this entire post was meant to call attention to Mr. Pacelle’s outrageous (in my opinion) statement. Not to promote Humane Watch. Thanks again, Aleksandra, and I do encourage any of my readers to contact you for more information if they’re interested.

      • Mayzie, Great point. I was disappointed at the Faye fiasco, and thought it was not as straightforward and honest as I would have preferred. I think when an organization believes it has the moral high ground (and honestly I think that for the most part, HSUS does have the high ground), it will sometimes go to great measures– even sometimes misleading ones– to tug at the heartstrings and boost donations. It works, and it’s a shame. I don’t condone such a practice. While direct care of animals is not a primary mission of HSUS, it does, for example, run a low-cost consulting service to shelters, to help them with management, fundraising, organization, advertising, etc. Through that service, many animal lives are touched. Not an excuse for the Faye incident, but still- great, important work being done.

  12. Gosh, I am sure glad to see all these emails going out. I almost fainted when I heard that that horrible man wanted another dog. Is he stupid or something or just trying to get attention. Anyway, I am writing down the email and will put my two cents in too. I do believe that he is not allowed to have a dog right now. Anyway, I was just sick when I heard that news and now I am sicker to hear the reaction of the HSUS.

  13. Pingback: Tweets that mention Same on you, Wayne Pacelle Ā« Mayzie's Dog Blog --

  14. Wayne Parcel was a PETA freak before he went to HSUS. ‘Nuff said! Michael Vick is a sociapath. His interviews are cold and without emotion. Sociapaths cannot be cured. Michael Vick makes me violently ill. I need brain bleach NOW!

  15. It’s unbelievable that he has the nerve to even say he wants a dog. Total publicity stunt? Thanks for this post and for sharing Pacelle’s email address. I’m opening my inbox to write him right now…

  16. Wyatt

    We are just so tired of celebrities getting a different justice than the average joe. What kind of message is Wayne Parcel sending, by giving Michael Vick his stamp of approval to continue to own dogs? He needs to pull his head out of his backside and realize, that people like Michael Vick and the punishments that are handed down for such crimes ARE THE BIG PICTURE!
    There is no special set of guidelines for being a celebrity!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  17. Here is what I got in response….


    Thanks for your e-mail. The original news report didnā€™t capture the complexity of HSUSā€™s position on the question about him having a pet. Hereā€™s the full expression of my views on my daily blog:

    You may know that no organization puts more resources into anti-dogfighting campaigns than HSUS. We have community-based programs to reach at-risk kids; we have tip-lines and rewards programs; we conduct undercover investigations; we have systematically upgraded all the laws against animal fighting in the nation, including the federal laws under which Vick was prosecuted; and we are involved in hundreds of busts of animal fighting criminals every year. We also work to place in safe homes the dogs seized from these enterprises.

    The question about Vickā€™s two little girls getting a dog two or three years down the road is an interesting one, and we agree it raises important questions about the capacity for rehabilitation for someone who did something so awful to animals. But, in relative terms, itā€™s a low-level animal welfare concern, given that it involves the modest prospect that one animal would be adopted from a shelter two or three years into the future and, if it did happen, it would be heavily scrutinized and watched instances of pet-keeping in American history. Our concerns at HSUS focus on millions of animals in crisis right now ā€“ animals languishing or suffering on puppy mills, in dogfighting rings, in crates or cages on factory farms, on canned hunting facilities, and in other settings. HSUS is taking the fight to these animal abusers every day, and achieving historic results, , just as we have by revamping the nationā€™s laws on animal fighting and doubling the number of arrests for these crimes since the original Vick case came to light..

    As you think about the important issues about Vickā€™s rehabilitation ā€“ and I know you are a serious skeptic about his capacity to change — please keep in mind the broader context in which we work at HSUS and our record of success, which is second to none.

    Please do let me know if you have further comments or thoughts.

    All best,

    Wayne Pacelle
    President & CEO

    • If anyone is interested in learning more about the HSUS End Dogfighting campaign and programs, please feel free to contact me directly. I did a short-term consulting project with HSUS where I conducted a program evaluation of End Dogfighting in Chicago and Atlanta, and was very impressed with the dedication of program staff, the effectiveness of their work, and the power of their message in at-risk communities.

      follow our foster:

  18. Frankie Furter

    And THIS would be why my mom is not a Hoooge fan of SPCA. Grrrrrrrrrr

  19. I was so upset by the first news, I didn’t catch the second part where he actually supported this idea. What a great bunch of letters, with winter-break coming up, I’ll be able to write one too.

  20. i can’t believe the humane society is even contemplating this issue. michael vick made a conscious decision to hurt and kill dogs. the answer should be plain and simple — he gave up his privilege to own another dog ever again because he can’t be trusted.
    time to email mr. pacelle. i agree with ina in alaska — mr. pacelle should step down because he sure doesn’t sound like his goal is to protect animals.

    the booker man and asa’s mama

  21. Mollie and Bobo

    Speechless we are simply speechless at this! Thanks for sharing….GRRRRRR to both of these “men”.

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo

  22. Boy oh boy, we are totally shocked to read this. My mom person is putting her writing cap on and getting ready to dash off an e-mail to Wayne Pacelle today.

    Thank you for letting us know about this ridiculous statement.

    Oskar & Pam

  23. Pip

    We will be sending an email today. HSUS is notoriously irresponsible with their money and many questions have been raised about how they actually use the money raised from private contributions. I agree it is totally disgusting, but in many ways it doesn’t surprise me.

    I fear Vick will find a way to get a dog. It seems like many animal abusers and hoarders end up with more animals regardless of whether they are “allowed” to or not.

  24. Kristine

    I read that too and couldn’t believe it. I had hoped just this once, dogs would see justice and Vick would never get to touch another one again for as long as he lives. But this hope has been dashed. It is only a matter of time before there is a dog in his household and I am so so so so so sorry for the dog that ends up with him as an owner. It’s not right or fair to that poor animal. I am so so sorry there is nothing I can do to prevent it from happening.

  25. Thank you for this post and sharing your letter…we will be sending our own as well. šŸ˜¦

  26. It’s interesting that you should make mention of Humane Watch. Are you familiar with their background? It’s a front group run by Rick Berhan, and funded by tobacco, alcohol and restaurant industry interests. Through various entities they conduct smear campaigns against various organizations that don’t support the industries interests.

    They are interested in us buying more factory farmed products. Some of their claims? Sugry foods are great and don’t make us fat. Mercury in fish is not a problem… And of course the Humane Society is out to get us all.

    I invite you all to do a little research about Humane Watch — I’m neither supporting nor defending the Humane Society of the United States. Rather, I’m hoping you notice that Humane Watch is an enormous propaganda machine that isn’t really interested in providing you with accurate information

    Check out my blog post:

    Or the organization PR Watch for more info

    • Thank you so much for your comment. And you are absolutely right. We must always look at sites like with a critical eye. I couldn’t agree more that we should research who is behind organizations like this and what their motivations might be. However, it’s also important to look at whether the information they provide is credible and verifiable. From what I can ascertain, their information is both. I would be interested to know if you have researched and found any of their claims to be false. (I don’t say that to be controversial. I would be sincerely interested.)

      Your point also applies to the HSUS itself. I think it’s VERY important to check out any organization before donating money or time to it. Luckily, there are impartial organizations (outside of groups like that allow us to do that. People must be willing to do their own research and not just take someone’s word for it (including mine).

      Thanks again!

      • I don’t mean to be argumentative, but if you look much further into the history and career of Humane Watch founder Richard Berman, you will find that he is not to be trusted. The “nonprofits” he has founded have spent millions of dollars downplaying dangers of smoking, drinking and driving, obesity, and has also fought against the minimum wage. His beliefs seem to be that corporations should be able to do whatever they want, and that any regulations that are pro-safety or pro-ethics are bad, bad, bad.
        His anti-HSUS rampage is mostly funded by big agriculture– factory farmers are terrified of the anti-cruelty laws that HSUS is having so much success with– just basic protections that are common sense, like that maybe it’s not ok to cram female pigs into crates so small that they can’t stand up or turn around– for their entire lives. Naturally, doing away with this sort of farm cruelty is expensive for producers, so they have hired Berman to fight for them. I understand he also lobbied behind the giant puppy mills in Missouri’s recent ballot initiative to crack down on the cruel breeding facilities.

        Here is an interesting article from USA Today about Berman:

        follow our foster:

      • Aleksandra, I have removed the part about Humane Watch because I don’t want this post to be about them. I just want it to be about Mr. Pacelle’s statement and I feel that the Humane Watch portion of it distracted from the real issue. Thanks again for your comments and thoughts. šŸ™‚

  27. I hate M Vick and he does not deserve another dog. I also have issues with HSUS as they are ok with putting down pit bulls just because they are pit bulls


  28. Janna

    I think somewhere along the way toward Mr. Pacelle’s way to helping he was lost in his goal. When I read about many animal owners whose dogs have been taken to only be given by by court, killed and charges dropped, something is wrong in his overzealuousness and only then turn around to give a convicted dog fighter another chance. I have not donated to HSUS since the Vick problems when Wayne wanted to kill all the dogs which told me where his “heart” was. As far as abuse goes animal fighting comes very close to the top in my mind of animal abuse, no empathy or sympathy for an animal is indeed sociopathic. Of course Wayne stated that he held no use or fondness of any animal either, so am I missing something? Maybe he just feels ownership is bad for animals and doesn’t let them act naturally like they could in the wild. I don’t know but would advise anyone to give to their local shelter from here on out if their main interest is dogs and cats and their welfare. It is likely that Wayne P. used Vick for a feel good maneuver and donations and Vick used Wayne to help re establish his tarnished reputation and million dollar career. Sorry I think they both used each other. Since Vick admittedly fought dogs for many years before he was an adult….Vick needs to think about this a long time. You know what they say about children who abuse animals……

  29. Ma is off to rite a stonkin cross email rite now, she did sign a petition and shareded it on da facebook. She bee steamin angry she has da steam comin outta her earoles.
    Well sayd Mayzies Mom…………….. Yu Rok yu know !

    xx xx

  30. Daisy

    We cannot believe that the would defend the guy. Was he given a huge bribe? Sounds like he should be removed from his position.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  31. We can never forgive MV for what he did and no way does he ever deserve to own another dog EVER for the rest of his sorry life! And we hate the Philadelphia Eagles too and it’s all because of him! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  32. The OP Pack

    Like so many, we are appalled at the prospect of his EVER getting a dog – he so does not deserve that honor.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  33. Bravo Mayzie’s Mom

    That ‘man’ turns my stomach – or should I say those ‘men’ –

    I’ve not watched a NFL game since he was permitted back in the league – and if I turn over for 60Minutes and the game as run long, I mute the sound –

    I was a very big Philadelphia Eagles fan – I’ll never watch them again either –

    For all his protestations and claims of being sorry, he still doesn’t get it – the fact he felt the need to pull his daughter into this shows that –

    Why doesn’t he tell his daughter what he did to the nice puppies in his past – see how that goes –

    Again, thanks VERY much for sharing this crock o crap!

    I’ll toast you later this evening!

  34. EmilyS

    as if anything Pacelle writes has any credibility.
    People need to remember that at the time of the Vick bust, he spoke with equal “sincerity” that the dogs must be killed.

  35. K-9 Katastrophie

    I had no idea about this!! Thanks for letting us know!

  36. We saw that about Wayne Pacelle and Michael Vick along with the coach at Va Tech taking up for him and almost kicked the TV out of the window. Doesn’t Vick have them wrapped around their fingers. It makes us really wonder….speaking of kicks…kickbacks perhaps? We have no doubt that he is a psycho sociopath. He wants a dog…oh PLEASE. Those bying into that crap are as bad as he is. We watched him on 60 minutes when it first happened and he didn’t blink an eye. He has no feelings except for himself. GRRRRRR! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  37. littlemissjackie

    Miss Mayzie, thank you for sharing this. Mom is writing an email right now to Wayne Pacelle to tell him what we think, I will put it on my blog in a little while. Dillon is especially sad because he was adopted from the Humane Society and we have always supported them. We don’t want to see lots of doggies and kittycats and other pets hurt – Mom says some people won’t give the Humane Society green papers anymore because of what Wayne Pacelle said and so the pets who live there won’t have dinners and toys and warm blankies and people to take cares of them. Mom wonders if Wayne Pacelle could look into the eyes of his own doggies and then send them off to live with Michael Vick.

    Sad barks,


  38. Pingback: Why, Wayne Pacelle? « Little Miss Jackie

  39. zach

    Why should anyone be able to stop Michael Vick from owning a dog! I am not saying what Michael Vick did was not wrong but what makes us so great to tell him he can’t own a dog.

    • If you don’t understand why someone who took pleasure in electrocuting, drowning, and hanging dogs shouldn’t have another one – I’m pretty sure I can’t explain it to you. It’s not about us being so great. It’s about him being so evil.

  40. Kit

    Thank you for this post!
    Mr. Pacelle has no business supporting Vick… I hope he will be removed from his postiion…

  41. We did read about this and I practically fell over in my chair. I immediately wondered what your comments would be and I was not disappointed. Thanks for putting this into words when all the words I came up with had a lot of %*$! in them. šŸ™‚

    We took HSUS off our donation list quite some time ago. It’s unfortunate.

    Jill (Zona’s mom)

  42. We heard about this and makes us sick as well.
    We used to donate to USHS but don’t donate to them anymore after hearing so many things. We tend to donate more to the rescue that mom volunteers for since she knows more of what the money and stuff is being spent on, etc.

  43. I think I saw smoke come out of A’s nostrils when she first read of Vick’s statement about wanting to own a dog, because he “found it unfair that he was judged” and he feels he’s “ready to have a dog companion now”. The judge put him on a 3 yr ban from owning a dog, and now that ba$tard claims that 3 years is too long!!!

    A wants to say thanks for letting us know about Pacelle’s statement on top of Vick’s statement. I’ve a feeling she’s gonna be dropping a very heartfelt email to him very soon.

    All of us have to speak up for all the poor animals who can’t speak for themselves! Go team!


  44. love what you said to pacelle and thanks for his email address !!!

    I have met three of the dogs and have written several blogs about The Lost Dogs, as well as responding to this debacle, too… culminating in this:

  45. In an effort to get this conversation back on track:

    As the proud and loving mom to one adopted pit bull and foster mom to another formerly abused pit bull darling, I am torn. I believe in the idea of redemption and rehabilitation, but my skin crawls and my eyes water at the mere thought of Michael Vick. But isn’t it inconsistent, how through my nonprofit work I fight for the rights of ex-offenders to be treated as normal citizens after they have completed their sentences, but then I turn around and am unwilling to allow Vick the same treatment? I strongly believe that a person can commit a terrible crime (or even succumb to years of poisonous, unlawful, and unethical behavior), but recognize the error in their ways (because they come to it on their own, find religion, get caught, whatever) and become a beautiful, productive, gentle person again. And yet. I just can’t forgive Vick. It’s something I can’t explain.

    follow our foster:

  46. See what happens when We go out of town?????? Oh good grief. I blogged about this today – a bit late I see. Sorry I was late in bringing this up and thanks for starting this conversation Mazie’s Mom. You’re the best!


    GGGGRRRRoooooOOOOO! Stuart

  47. GGGGGGGRRRRRR… Growl, BARK, BARK, BARK, WOOF, GROWL!!!! We figured we’d say it in dog to save the human’s eyes/ears!!!! The CCC

  48. Anita

    Productive modern farmers–I never use the term factory farmers–are not terrified of anti-cruelty laws. What they are afraid of is being regulated by people who know nothing about animals. I tried to have a discussion with somebody who thought driving by a dairy barn honking the car horn continuously and screaming out the windows doesn’t stress the cows. That proves she does not understand animals. Research proves that farm animals are safer and healthier when raised indoors. When given a choice, they do not stay outdoors. Farmers are as appalled as anybody to see cruelty happen. The problem is that HSUS sees virtually all farmers as cruel. That’s simply not the case. They wouldn’t be livestock farmers if they didn’t love animals. There are easier ways to make a living. They care for animals as much as anybody. And they prove it every day, by going out in freezing weather to help animals with giving birth, getting them fresh feed and clean water, and keeping them healthy. HumaneWatch has done a great service by exposing HSUS for what it is, a factory fundraiser that abuses its 501(c)(3) status for its political agenda. It’s time for HSUS to stop using sad-puppy-dog-faces to raise money that does not go to to those dogs and cats, but rather goes to salaries, pensions and political action.

Leave Me a Pawment!