Wordless Wednesday


Filed under Wordless Wednesday

29 responses to “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Mango

    Did you just have a nommy?


  2. Hi Mayzie!!!
    I don’t know what you just ate but I want some…….(we hope it wasn’t Ripley)!!!
    Madi and Mom

  3. My what a loooong licker you got there….heheh, I crack myself up sometimes.

  4. Mayziegal…that stunt is usually for cows! What did you say your lineage was!?!
    Lotsalicks (no…never mind…hugs)

  5. …..Ripley would be very hairy and you’d need to take hairball remedy….

  6. Did mom put PB on your nose?
    Love Ruby & Penny

  7. Frankie Furter

    Wow Mayzie, that must have been somthing grrrreat. I’ll bet your mom never has to wash your face. AND.. you must give some super kisses!!

  8. Mayzie, it must have been delicious!


  9. Shady

    I bet this the post Gotcha Day Cupcake photo…

  10. Cake goooood!!!! 🙂


  11. Mayzie you are such a pretty girl. My fave if I may say so myself. Can I have a piece of your noms? pleeeeeeeeease……Mia is teaching me to share and after intense training and therapy, I would totally let you have some of mine.

    Wags and woofs,
    Mack and Mia

  12. Hey Mazie!!
    Thanks for your email and tip about following your blog! It worked – hooray!!! Now I can follow yours and one other wordpress blog (Dennis the Visla) that I enjoy but was never remembering to check on! Oh, and happy belated gotcha day!!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  13. Mayzie, are you lickin’ your chops from more of that canned cheese???
    We gotta gets us some!

    Stella, Gunther and Betty

  14. Mayzie, not many dogs can do that! You must have an extra long tongue. Have a nice Easter – we will catch up with all your adventures when we get back.
    love and kIsses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  15. miss mayzie,
    your tongue is super duper long! the better to get those treatsies with…and give out slobbery kisses!! 🙂
    the booker man

  16. Long tongues are the BEST aren’t they Mayzie!!


  17. Remigton

    Was it yummy?

  18. daisydog

    Happy belated gottcha day! Sounds like you had lots and lots of fun!!!

  19. You must have just had something very yummy, Mayzie! What was it?

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  20. twinkietinydog

    Mom says, her baby brother used to call dog’s tongues “ham”. You just proved him right 27 years later 🙂

  21. That’s a LONG tongue for what I am guessing is a VERY yummy treat! I’m sure the next photo would have featured you chowing down on it!

  22. Did woo get more?


  23. BOL, GREAT tongue picture Mayzie!!!
    And Very Cute Ears, too! 😉


  24. Hi, Mayzie!
    Looks like you ate something yummy!
    Happy Wednesday!
    Kisses and hugs

  25. I bet you give pawsome licks with that tongue! Very cute picture, Mayzie.

    wags, Lola

  26. “My nose tastes like chicken.”

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