Thank you! Thank you!

Oh…my…DOGNESS! I’m sorry this post is up a little late. But I am just plain worn out from the Commentathon Pawty yesterday.

Whew! I'm too pooped to even finish off this stuffie.

But gosh, was it ever fun! I had soooo many doggies and kittehs and humans and hamsters and even one fish come over and wish me a Happy Blogoversary. It got a little ker-azy for awhile and I thought I had lost Puddles at one point and that made me real nervous cuz her Brudder Albert told me to keep an eye on her.ย  But Most Luckily she was just taking a nap in a Cheetos bag.

And the best part of the whole thing was that we got 421 comments!

And even though at first we said we’d only pay up to 400 comments, we decided we should just prolly pay for ALL of them. So that means that we will be sending $105.25 green papers to Second Chance and $105.25 green papers to the chosen rescue of our lucky winner! We’re gonna announce that on Monday, so be sure to stop by and see if you won.

I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my little brindle heart. Thank you to all my furends who helped tell everybuddy abouts the Commentathon by putting it on your bloggies. And thank you to everybuddy who took the time outta their busy days to come over and leave a comment. Me and my mom are always, always Most Amazed by the kindness and generosity of all the residents of Blogville. I could hardly believe it when mom told me how many comments we got.

We got HOW many?

And then I couldn’t stop wiggling and wagging. And then my mom started leaking out of happiness (and NOT cuz of having to part with all those green papers, I promise). All your kind words and actions will stay in our hearts forever and ever.

And to show you how very grateful I am, I gots you some flowers and some cheese.

I hope you like them!

Okay, I ate most of a little bit of the cheese but I knew you wouldn’t mind.

I luvs cheese. But not as much as I luv you!

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again, everybuddy!


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51 responses to “Thank you! Thank you!

  1. Mayzie,

    You and your mom ROCK! What a fun time I had yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am still tryin’ to recover from all da excitement too. Get your rest today girlfuriend, you deserve it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  2. Ohhhh Mayzie mee is burstin wivs da happis fur yoo da bee most pawesome indeeds.

  3. WOW, OMC, OMD….holy jumpin’ catfish.
    Mayzie gal you know how to throw a party…what fun standing room only. We are so happy!!
    Mom and I thank you for the purrty posies and scrumptions shredded cheddar.
    Hugs and Happy Day,
    Madi and Mom

  4. Mayzie..we have let muzzer have the flowers, and me and Teka would love to share the cheese with you and Brudder Ranger, thank you.

    That was a most wonderful celebration. Can we do it again soon?


  5. Our Mommy is in the dog house as she FORGOT to bring us by for a visit yesterday and believe us we were meowing and barking at her something fierce to remind her and she just didn’t understand us at all. We are very relived you had so many comments so ours wasn’t missed. Love & Hugs and Congrats on a successful Comentathon and Blogversary.

  6. WOWZERZ Miss Mayzie – over 400 commentz – over 100 green paperz frum your mom – that iz GRRRREAT! We had fun – even our mom stop by tu leave a comment. Congra-chula-shonz on a very successful comment-a-thon!
    Shiloh’n Shasta
    PeeS – By the way, there iz an award fer u on our blog.

  7. That is truly amazing and totally amazing Mayzie. Your Mom needs a huge hug for doing this. I bet that was a record number of comments. Just shows you how popular you are Mayzie. Good job and what a wonderful thing to do. Hope you all get some rest this week end.

  8. Mayzie! That was an awesome party for an awesome girl who has an awesome blog and mom! Thanks!

  9. Levi

    Oh Mayzie that is PAWSOME!!! You gots sooo many comments! I knew you would do it ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats on reaching your goal.

    Pee…S…can we have permission copy your “Breed Specific Legislation is UnAmerican” sign for our blog? We just love it!

  10. Way to go, Mayzie! That is just pawesome!

    We had so much fun at the pawty… We don’t know how anyone can top that!

    Sam and Pippen

  11. Oh Mayzie, furry congrats!!
    We had soo much fun, and I’m furry glad you got all those comments ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Congrats! You do so much to make things more positive.

  13. Pip

    Hi Mayzie! That’s SO AMAZING! Enjoy that cheese, you deserve it!

    Your pal, Pip

  14. Simply super!!!

    Glad you had so much fun on your blogoversary and it’s terrific that so much good has come out of it.

    You and your mum are the best.

    Love Winnie

  15. Thanks for having that, we had fun! You and your Mom are so generous!!

  16. Minna Krebs

    How fun was that!!!

    My little brain (no comments please) is still spinning from all da scrolling thru da Gazillion comments!!

    Especially Matt da Fish (heeheeeheeeee)

    Great Job!!

  17. Mayzie!!! I’m so proud of you! You sure do rock for raising all those green papers and your mom is pretty awesome for going over $100!!!! I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it! And, hey! The comment my dad left was the first time he’s ever been bloggin’! BOL!

  18. Wow, that is so many comments!! How awesome! You deserve every bit of cheese you ate!

  19. Congratulations Mayzie! It was so cool to read all those comments and see how much of an impact that you have made in the blogging community over the past year. You have come so far from the scared, homeless dog that you were before you were rescued and then adopted by such a wonderful family. I am so happy for you!

  20. Mayzie, I thoughts you still be in da bed! Too excited huh?
    Hehehehehe, I remembers da fish…glup, glup. And dat Crazy rat,…er guinea pig Chubbs.
    Dat was so much fun and I am so over da moon happy dat sooooooo many bloggers joined in to help makes it such an awesome time and to help spend yur mom’ money (by da way, tell hers I need $5 fur parkin’).

    PS; Just ignore Brudder Albert likes I do.

  21. Woo hoo! That sure is a lot of comments!


  22. Wyatt

    That was super fun and such a great idea. Love the flowers and pass the cheeze Pleeze!!

    Stanzie and Wyatt

  23. What a great success all round Mayzie , we are so happy you raised so many green papers.
    We never had a fish visit us!
    Martha and Bailey xx

  24. Frankie Furter

    CONGRATULATIONS MAYZIE GAL!!!! I am sooooo thrilled fur you and the rescue group!!!!

  25. Kristine

    Don’t thank us, Mayzie. Thank YOU for doing all of this. You have inspired this dorky little blogger. I appreciate you putting in all this effort. I’d say it was a resounding success!! Congratulations!

  26. K9 katastrophe

    Hi Mayzie! Thank YOU! It is so wonderful of you and your family to donate so many green papers to help other little critters!


  27. Congratulations, Mayzie! You did a great job! The pets at Second Chance are going to be so excited for the donation. Be sure to tell them that, since YOU found such a great family, they surely will too!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ โค

  28. You certainly desreve that Cheese, Mayzie. We don’t mind ONE bit that u ate it up ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the flowers, we love them:)

    How nice that somedoggy in those shelter is going to get some nice treats, Thanks to u
    Gin, Bud n Shadow

  29. Hey Mayzie,
    Congratulations on the huge success that you had with the commentathon. Thank you to you and mom for what you’re doing. It was fun to que up to register our individual comments. We love cheese too, especially stuffed between two slices of bread and put into the toaster oven or grilled for a few minutes. Yummers.
    – TBH&K

  30. miss mayzie,

    this is so totally way awesome!!! thankies bunches ‘n tons to you and your mama for sendin’ all those green papers to second chance and the other winnin’ shelter! ya’ll are so so so full of the generosities!

    the booker man

    pee s — i think it’s okie dokie if you just go ahead and eat the rest of those cheeses. you totally deserve it! besides, mexican blend is especially yummy yummers. heehee. ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Fantastic!! I am glad you are putting your charms, popularity, and generous heart to such good use, adorable Mazie with the Most Magnificent ears!
    Also, the bit about you and the hydrangeas and the cheese made me crack up. Thanks for a little fun on a snowy Friday!

    follow our foster:

  32. Yeah for you! I’m looking forward to getting picked to give money to our charity!


    Mr. Nubbin’

    P.S. Rumor is mom is cheating on us with you and brudder Ranger tonight!

  33. Oh Miss Mayzie, how very exciting for you and your mom and all the rest of us, but espawcially for the Second Chance pups and kittycats and others waiting for their furever homes! We can just see all the happy faces when they receive your gift. And we’re looking so much furward to find out who wins the drawing!

    Luvs and super wiggly wiggles,

    Jackie and Dillon

  34. Daisy

    A HUGE CON-GRAT-U-LATIONS! You must have tired eyes after reading all those comments. I think it may rival ‘War and Peace’.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  35. cheese is the best
    Benny & Lily

  36. Pingback: Mayzie Did It! « Little Miss Jackie

  37. An EPIC SUCCESS!!! Well done Mayzie and Mayzie Mom!!! Now rest up this weekend, please. Hugs to you all! xoxoxo

  38. I knew you’d get all the comments! I just knew it! I am so very happy for you! I’m giggling over your expressions, too. Mom says you are a most expressive pup! Now, pass the cheese, please!


  39. Wow! That’s sure a lot of comments and that’s sure nice of you and your mom to do this, Mayzie!
    Thank you for the flowers and the wee nibble of cheese!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  40. We are so happy that you got so many comments!! Just shows how popular you are!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  41. Miss Mayzie,
    You continue to be an inspawration to me and mom. We is so forever appreciative of your sooper uber goodness.

    Hmmmm. Doesn’t Sooper Uber Goodness sound like it should be a candy bar or better yet, a cheese flavor blend!!

    Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

  42. Mayzie
    Sweet Giwl

    This is a testament to how much we all love you. You and youw Mompewson awe soopew genewous and I am so gwateful to be youw fwiend
    and thanks fow the flowews..I’m glad you got some of the cheese too)
    smoochie kissesASTA

  43. congrats that is a lot of comments!
    woof- Tucker

  44. Merdie and Harley want to know how many shifts your mom is good fur!?!



  45. Awwwโ€ฆ Miss Mayzie โ™ฅ
    Wow! You got all those comments because you have such a HUGE loving heart.
    Congratulations pretty Girl! Sooo happy for you and for your charity and for the winner of the other charity.
    Cannot wait to see the results ๐Ÿ™‚

    Neeko โ™ฅ

  46. Teddy Bear

    Thank you, Mayzie! You are pawesome!:)

    Teddy Bear

  47. Mayzie we could not be more proud of you! You deserve all of that cheese.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  48. Hello Mayzie!
    I think you ought to change your name to Amayzing because you truly are an amazing dog to round up 421 comments for such a good cause! If I ever had that many comments I would probably faint or die of a heart attack but it looks like you and your mom didn’t succumb to either…BOL!

    Thanks so much for the flowers and cheese…you are so thoughtful!

    Oh, don’t furget to visit my blog today because I am hosting a SILLY SATURDAY PHOTO CAPTION CONTEST until midnight! I hope to see you there!

  49. WOW….400 comments? I don’t think I have ever had more than 25 or so. LOL Glad that so much was raised for the rescue though.

  50. KB

    *You* are the generous one. Thanks so much for having your commentathon!

    We luvs cheese and flowers here too!

Leave Me a Pawment!