Monday Free-Fur-All Giveaway!

Happy Monday, everybuddy! Guess what? Today I am gonna start off your week in a super great way because I have TWO cool things to give away! The first thing I’ll give away by random drawing and the second thing is just…well…FREE!

Cool Giveaway Thing #1

A while ago, I got an email from a nice lady at Dog Tag Art wanting to know if I’d like to review their dog tags. Well, of course I said YES!

Dog Tag Art is pretty neat cuz you can go on their site and pick from about a jillion different designs. OR you can upload one of your very own!

We decided to do one of each. For Brudder Ranger, we picked one that was already created. We chose this old vintage-looking one cuz Dad is always calling Brudder Ranger his “co-pilot”:

For me, we uploaded one of mom’s wildfire sunset pictures…

And turned it into this!

The process was pretty darn easy from start to finish. The only thing Mom wishes they had was a tool that would let you add words on top of your picture for those humans who aren’t so great with graphic design stuff. (But guess what? If you ARE good with that kind of stuff, you can submit your own design to them and if they decide to use it, you get $1 from the sale of each tag that uses your design! Neat, huh?)

Well, we placed our order and sat down to wait. But we didn’t have to wait long cuz WHAM! The tags arrived in the mail in just a few days! And gosh, we just couldn’t be happier with the way they turned out. We got the small size (7/8″) for Brudder Ranger and the bigger size (1-1/4″) for me.

Mom was worried that the information on the back would be hard to read on the small one but as you can see below, it’s not hard to read at all. (Oh, and we don’t REALLY require daily meds. Mom just thinks that some un-scroop-you-lus person would think twice abouts keeping a lost dog that had to have daily medications. Yeesh! The woman is SO paranoid!)

They’re made out of recycled steel and they coat it with something called a polymer so the finished tag kinda feels like porcelain. It’s lightweight and it seems like it’ll last a long time. In fact, they have a lifetime guarantee!

Okay, now the fun part. If you’d like a chance to win your very own tag from Dog Tag Art, just go to their site and look at their tags. Then tell us in the comments below which one you like the best! We’ll take comments from now til 5 p.m. Mountain Time tomorrow, Tuesday the 14th. Then we’ll use a random number generator to pick the winner, which we’ll announce on Wednesday. (Only one entry per family, please.)

Disclaimer: We received two free dog tags for review but the opinions expressed here are totally our own.

Cool Giveaway Thing #2

Recently, mom met this nice lady named Sarah Francis. Miss Sarah has an impawtant program called “Aware, Not Afraid” where she visits schools to teach little human beans how to stay safe around doggies. Now I think this is super pawsome because those little 2-leggers get bit more than the big 2-leggers cuz they just can’t read our doggy signals very good.

Well, Miss Sarah just wrote an eBook called “Love Your Pet. Love Your Life.” It’s a collection of over 50 different pet-inspired lessons for the little beans and all the pawceeds from the sale of her book go to her “Aware, Not Afraid” program. But guess what? Miss Sarah was nice enough to give us a code to download her e-book onto your iPad for FREE!

It’s super easy:

1. Just click on this linkie to learn how to download the eBook onto your iPad.

2. Then enter Code WF7NFXRXT7A3 to get your free copy!

Now, you need to use the code by August 25th and remember, it can only be used on an iPad.

Thank you, thank you, Miss Sarah, for sharing your book with my bloggie readers!


Whew! That was a big ol’ postie, wasn’t it? Now, remember to tell me in the comments which was your favoritest Dog Tag Art tag and whatever you do, don’t forget to have a Most Happy Monday!


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28 responses to “Monday Free-Fur-All Giveaway!

  1. Declan Greyhound

    Happy Monday to you too! For me it’s got to be “Super Dog” No contest… hehe!

  2. Izzy here Mayzie afta lookin frew da tags da bestest one fur mee wood bee da I Take Medication Pet ID Tag cos mee does. Mee finks yor Mom is way clever to havs da putted on yor tags cos it does makes evil dognappin hu-peeps finks twice yoo knows n wee woods not want ani evil dog napper stealin our beeyootifuls brindle girl or our Sooper Brudder Ranger aways from us alls


  3. What awesome tags! We love the Airedale one the best!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly



  5. cafall

    I would love to enter – Sam has always been our Superdog – so that is the tag we would love to have!


  6. Those tags are fantastic and what a good idea to put that about the meds on the back of the tag. Don’t include us in the drawing for the tags, our dogs don’t wear collars. But that really is a nice idea. And the book looks so cute too. Have a great week.

  7. It is a great idea. Teka says her favorite is the pink one that says Daddy’s Girl. That is soooooooo true.


  8. Those tags are great! I like several of them, including the monogram. It would take me forever to choose! However, I know that tennis ball one is perfect for Kuster!


  9. Frankie Furter and Ernie

    Mayzie you and Brudder Ranger did Chews PERFECT tags fur yourselves.

  10. Hey Mayzie! The tags you and your brother got are very cute! Nola loves the ‘Fleur de Lis’ tag because that is the symbol of New Orleans. We named her after that city (New Orleans La, NOLA) because the Mr. and I got engaged there!

  11. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    Those tags are just so nice, Mayzie. We don’t get to wear collars because we get them caught on Mom’s fancy schmancy no-sibe fence around her garden, so we don’t have tags. But we know they will look great on another pup. Thanks for the code too for the free book. Very nice program Miss Sarah does.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Those are great tags. I really love the one with the squirrel with the big eyes on page 4!

  13. Ooooh! I love the “happy moustache” tag – Rufus would look AMAZING in it! 🙂

    PS – I love both of your tags, Mayzie & Ranger!

  14. Boy oh boy are these cool giveaways
    Benny & Lily

  15. Gretchen

    I like the Rescue Dogs Rule Boy ID Tag best because it would be used for foster dogs. Girls can wear blue, but I don’t know about pink on boys.

  16. Hi Mayzie, we are back. Your Mom had the best idea, we could make a key chain out of one of these tags and that is such a good idea. Your Mom is just so darn smart. So we looked and we really like the ‘Sun Smile’. So please enter us in the drawing.

  17. Glenna

    This is a really cool idea. We like “Golden Mountains” Hope you’re having a good Monday!

  18. That school program sounds really amazing! If she needs any volunteer models to show the kids, I’m available (and gorgeous). 😉 The dog tags look pretty pawsome too! Momma thinks your mom’s idea of the meds note is a good one. Plus Cinderella needs daily meds anyway! Our favorite is “Can I Lick You?”, since I do that to everyone, with or without permission!

    BTW, Laila did a really grreat job at pet fair and was completely charming! There were a few people interested in her, and we’re meeting next weekend with one applicant! (We usually don’t adopt straight out of the pet fair, because it’s so chaotic and hard to get a good sense of the dog. We schedule follow-up meetings later at the person’s home so they can get some one-on-one interaction.)

  19. Sarge

    Hey Mayzie!
    Wow, what a fun giveaway to brighten our Monday! I love that Sheriff Badge the bestest, of course! BOL. I’ll add your event to the BCCalendar. Thanks so much for hosting this fur us!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  20. Daisy

    Beautiful tags! Looks like there are going to be some well-dressed pups out there.

    We don’t wear tags….we don’t wear collars except when we go walking.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  21. whatremainsnow

    These are super cool tags. I’m going to say British Flag Pet ID Tag by Tammy for Casper. Casper and his super social self is the most likely to wander away, so I’d better pick one for him. Truly, I want to get one for each of the kids. I think Freedom, Casper and Nikki require daily meds too. Great idea!

  22. Pip

    Miss Mayzie! I am going to rush right over and get a copy of that e-book for my little sissy! The tags are beautiful, but my assistant just bought me a cool tag like this from Sugar’s Paw House so maybe we will let someone else win these cool tags!

    Your pal, Pip

  23. OMD! Mom and I have been looking through the tags and we’re never gonna’ be able to decide which one we like best! There are SO many cool designs! I think I would like the “Shark Attack” one. I suspect there will be one of these in my Christmas stocking, mom likes them so much!

    your pal,

  24. How cool. We went and we like the mixed breed one. Looked for a Weimaraner but couldn’t find one.

  25. Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    Mayzie, that was a great idea your Mom had about the keyring. So we are game, put our name in the game:) Thanks for thinking of that.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  26. Val

    Hello, first time visitor…what a great giveaway. We love the cute and in charge tag on p. 6 would fit my Gracie to a tee. Look forward to stopping by and checking up on you. Stop by and see us sometime.

  27. I kind of like the mama’s boy tag, but PeeWee likes the superdog one. As if!
    Hey, you know what? I DO need daily meds so momma might upgrade my ID. Thanks for the suggestion.


  28. Tucker

    BOL! I want to get the fat crossed out “fluffy” one for kitteh brudder Vader!!! I like the “I have more nipples then you” one too… BOL! Momma says she thinks “Lazy Bones” fits me best.

    woof – Tucker